Graphos is the student-run literary journal at St. Norbert College. Published each semester, Graphos features works of poetry, prose and art from the college’s outstanding student writers and artists.
What Do We Do?
The editors, with advice from advisor Laurie MacDiarmid, coordinate selection, layout and publication of the journal each semester, relying upon the assistance of other avid student writers who serve as members of Graphos’ selection committee. We also sponsor special events, such as readings, writing workshops, and joint get-togethers with our English Honor Society, Sigma Tau Delta, chapter.
Want to Get Your Work Published?
We're always looking for creative expression in the St. Norbert College community. Graphos accepts submissions until Oct. 15 for the Fall issue and until March 15 for the Spring issue. All literary submissions to the Spring issue are automatically entered in the Literary Awards. Check the submission guidelines web page for complete information.
Join Our Staff
As a staff member of Graphos, you'll have the opportunity to select the material to be published in Graphos for each issue, assist with copyediting and/or aid in layout and design. If you'd like to join us, or have any questions, email Laurie MacDiarmid.
Contact Us
Phone: 920-403-3498
Email: graphos@snc.edu