New Faculty Orientation
The New Faculty Orientation program, designed to acclimate both full- and part-time new faculty to the St. Norbert academic community, has three primary components which are highlighted below.
The new faculty orientation process actually begins months before the August orientation session. During the preceding academic year, the director meets with all candidates seeking teaching positions, and during these half-hour-long interviews describes the Faculty Development Program and, through close questioning, begins assessing the professional needs of the candidates. The director also attends as many of the candidates’ class presentations as possible; this practice not only helps generate a well-informed assessment of each candidate’s pedagogical skills, but also helps identify areas in which the faculty member might be assisted.
The New Faculty Orientation takes place in August. The orientation is designed to acquaint new faculty with key academic programs and administrative offices; to supply information about college facilities and services; and to provide a forum for exchanging ideas about instructional, collegial and professional responsibilities.
2023-24 New Faculty Directory
2022-23 New Faculty Directory
2021-22 New Faculty Directory
2020-21 New Faculty Directory
2019-20 New Faculty Directory
2018-19 New Faculty Directory
2017-18 New Faculty Directory
2016-17 New Faculty Directory
Contact Us
Email: facdev@snc.edu