Office of Faculty Development
We provide opportunities for professional and personal renewal and growth to faculty in all stages of their careers through a wide range of programs and funding opportunities, and by providing the assistance necessary for faculty to take full advantage of these resources.The members of our faculty development committee help keep a pulse on faculty needs and then aid in the design of opportunities to meet these needs.
We offer a range of programs aimed at enhancing teaching-learning effectiveness; fostering professional growth; promoting cross-disciplinary dialogue; and stimulating intellectual discourse and reflection.
Faculty Development Resources
We are committed to helping faculty grow pedagogically and professionally. In addition to the on-campus opportunities, we offer resources that include selected articles, external workshop/seminar opportunities, and pedagogical tools that contribute to your professional effectiveness.
Funding Opportunities
Funding is available to faculty members for travel, pedagogical development, faculty/student collaborations and scholarship activities.
New Faculty and Mentors
Learn more about programs and resources designed to acclimate new faculty to the St. Norbert College academic community.
Faculty Development Committee
The faculty development committee is the office of faculty development’s central governance mechanism. It is responsible for regularly assessing the effectiveness of our programs and resources to ensure they meet the evolving needs of the faculty.
Contact Us
Email: facdev@snc.edu