Is There Something You’ve Always Wondered About St. Norbert College? Ask the Abbot!
December 2021
Mackenzie Ciske ’17 (College Advancement), “How long has the college presented its annual Festival of Christmas?”
November 2021
Bob Rickards (Advancement Services, Women’s Soccer), “What happened to the ropes course on campus?”
October 2021
John Marquez (Enrollment Management), “I’ve noticed a newly constructed archway on campus that marks the path leading into Old St. Joseph Church. What is its significance?”
August 2021
Brenna Cisler ’23, “What inspired the creation of the beautiful Shakespeare Garden on campus?”
July 2021
Laura Lear (Office of Communications), “When was the iconic arch constructed? And what happened to the missing leaf on the right side of the arch?”
May 2021
Carl Graf (Registrar’s Office), “I read, back in an earlier response, that, during the 1918 influenza epidemic, ‘athletics were rearranged, events canceled or postponed, our cherished residence life interrupted.’ I am wondering specifically about Commencement during that time (1918-20). Were there ceremonies, and if so, how were they conducted?”
April 2021
Sarah Vandenhouten ’21, “I read that plans to commemorate the Norbertine order’s 900th anniversary included the opening of a new abbey building in California. What is that abbey’s history, and its relationship to SNC?”
March 2021
Paul Meske ’72,“The landing of NASA’s Perseverance rover on Mars made me wonder: Have any SNC alumni been to space?”
January 2021
Molly VanDeelen Tollefson ’07, “The latest issue of the St. Norbert College Magazine named eight U.S. Norbertine communities, which included the Norbertine Canonesses of the Bethlehem Priory of St. Joseph and the Congregation of Norbertine Sisters. Who are these Norbertine women, and how did their communities come to be?”
December 2020
Brett Buboltz ’08, “Is it true that the college supplies the Christmas tree for Lambeau Field?”
October 2020
Eric Blumreich (College Advancement), “St. Norbert College is well known these days for its great dining options. But I've heard stories from our alumni about how that wasn't always the case. Is it true that students once protested the cafeteria food?”
August 2020
Megan Leisgang ’21, “I was strolling through campus when I noticed that we’re not the only ones abiding by the mask requirements. St. Norbert of Xanten is, too! Who is responsible for this? Will the other statues be getting masks, too? I’d hate for them to feel left out!”
July 2020
The Rev. Mike Brennan ’99 (College Parish), “May I ask, have any SNC alumni had the opportunity to serve the pope?”
June 2020
Rachel (Gonnering) Sonnentag ’06, “Serving as our alumni board vice president, I found it so fulfilling to welcome the Class of 2020, virtually, into our alumni ranks this year. It felt so different, though. Is this class making history in the way it is straying from Commencement tradition?”
May 2020
The Rev. Mr. Kevin DeCleene M.T.S. ’12 (College Parish), “I am the proud father of two sons who both attended St. Norbert College. Is it really true, as I have heard, that at one time 11 brothers from the same family studied at the college?”
April 2020
Porter Beilfuss ’22, “I’m so proud of my fellow students and our faculty members at SNC as we’ve transitioned to online learning amidst the COVID-19 crisis. I was wondering, Abbot, how unprecedented are these times? Has St. Norbert College ever experienced anything like this before now?”
March 2020
Nick Meisner (Communications), “We think of you as such an unfailing source of wisdom on the life and history of your beloved college. Dear Abbot, is it possible that you have ever found yourself in error?”
February 2020
Katy Verheyden ’21, “Recently I worked as the scenic designer and technical director on the production of ‘Tuck Everlasting.’ It’s my third year in Knight Theatre, and every time we put together a production I wonder about the history of musicals on campus. Abbot, do you happen to know what musical was the first hosted at St. Norbert College?”
December 2019
Victoria Bain Vrba ’20, “I heard the Children’s Center on campus is celebrating its 50th anniversary soon. How did the center come to be?”
October 2019
Maggie McFadden ’20, “Every time I walk past the Alumni House on campus, I can’t help but wonder about its history. Has it always been a place for alumni to gather?”
September 2019
Stephen Lin ’18, “Who was the first SNC student to study abroad, and where did they go?”
July 2019
Anna Dennuci ’20, “I notice there have been several buildings in the college’s history commemorating the Minahan name. Are there SNC ties with the family of William Minahan, the Green Bay resident who died on the Titanic?”
June 2019
Emily Schiltz ’20, “I heard St. Norbert is home to a collection of dried plants that contains tens of thousands of species. Is this true? If so, where did all those plants come from?”
April 2019
Erika Ditzman ’21, “With the NFL draft happening this weekend, the Packers have been dominating the news. I know the Packers and St. Norbert have a close relationship that goes back years, but I was curious, who used the green and gold colors first?”
March 2019
Jillian Reynolds ’19, “I was working on a project in the student lounge when it suddenly hit me: It’s so nice to be able to work anywhere on campus. I can always find somewhere quiet to concentrate and connect to the internet. I was wondering, Abbot, what was campus like before campus-wide WiFi was available and when did the campus finally offer campus-wide Wifi?”
February 2019
Mitchell Gray ’21, “The albino squirrel is a bit of a celebrity here on campus. I was wondering, is there only one, or have we had a few of these little creatures who have made their home here at the college?”
December 2018
Kyra Kronberg ’20, “Merry Christmas, Father Abbot! Is it really true that SNC students once had to study for their final exams right through Christmas?”
November 2018
Letty Mundt ’19, “I’ve heard that SNC is the only Norbertine college in the world. Can that really be true?”
October 2018
Gene Walsh ’53, “You have resided at St. Norbert College for a very long time! It must seem strange to look back on your arrival in Wisconsin. Do you remember much about those days?”
September 2018
Amanda Beck (College Advancement), “I’m hearing rumors that there is an echo chamber on campus. Are they true? Where is it located?”
July 2018
Magdalene Rabby ’58, “The bronze sculpture of the Conversion of St. Norbert placed on campus last fall has a female figure kneeling near St. Norbert. Who is she, and what does she represent?”
June 2018
Tom Rogers ’85, “What are your thoughts on SNC graduates decorating mortarboards in preparation for commencement ceremonies? There were quite a few clever ones this year!”
May 2018
Anne Marie Abell Olson ’76, “I saw some great music acts at an old house on campus called the Coffeehouse. What happened to the Coffeehouse, and what stands in its place today?”
April 2018
Julianna Nett ’21, “Just how does a Norbertine community go about selecting an abbot?”
March 2018
Catherine (Schmitz) Jacobs ’56, “How is Father Gene Gries doing these days?”
February 2018
Jared Simon ’12, “Is it true that classes at SNC ended earlier than anticipated one year?”
December 2017
Aleksandra Kaminski ’19, “Why are we the Green Knights?”
November 2017
Dan Decker ’20, “Why haven’t I seen the latest albino squirrel on campus?”
October 2017
Reilly March ’20, “With SNC being around for so long, are any campus buildings listed on the historic registry?”
September 2017
Christi Hansen ’74, “Why is there no 1974 yearbook?”
August 2017
Nicole (Dunbar) Poley ’14, “What is the digital commons?”
July 2017
Zach Krysiak ’20 asks, “Exactly how many students have graduated from St. Norbert College? Do most of them still live in the area?”
June 2017
Cathryn Siolka ’19 asks, “Rumor has it, there is a Matchbox car embedded in one of the walkways on campus. If this is true, where might I find it?”
May 2017
Ivy Summers (Financial Aid) asks, “I heard that the Norbertines started WBAY-TV. Is that true?”
April 2017
Claire Westlie ’13 asks, “In the college magazine, President Kunkel says, “I think if Abbot Pennings walked back on campus, looked around for a while, and dropped in on the classes, programs, and the extracurricular activities, I think he would feel pretty good that everything is still grounded in the values and tradition that he brought in the first place.” You have a great vantage point from your plinth in the library. How do you feel about the college today?”
March 2017
Casey Golomski ’06 asks, “My classmate Kathleen Fayard ’06 and I went to the Marytown Shrine in Libertyville, Ill., and saw a small bone relic of St. Norbert there. How many relics of our college patron, around the world, are venerated in such a fashion?”
February 2017
Abigail Stewart ’19 asks, “With Brian Bruess ’90 becoming our eighth president in July, I’m wondering who led the college after yourself, and before President Kunkel. Can you share?”
December 2016
Steven Hofacker ’15 asks, “The college sure has a lot of brick buildings. I’m wondering how many bricks make up the campus buildings. Any estimate?”
November 2016
Kim Pierce ’76 asks, “I wonder if you remember the Green Hornet?”
October 2016
Jenna Decker ’18 asks, “I’ve noticed that near the dates on several campus buildings is the inscription D.O.M. What is the significance of that?”
September 2016
Carl Graf (Registrar’s Office) asks, “Why do so many people touch the big toe of Norbert of Xanten when they pass his statue on campus?”
August 2016
Jerome Moscinski ’63 asks, “Why was St. Norbert College never dubbed University?”
July 2016
Julimar Garcia ’18 asks, “What do the ropes on the graduation gowns mean?”
June 2016
Sue Dewane Vine ‘66 asks, “While visiting the crypt in the Abbey, I noted that you yourself–if I may make so bold– are to be found buried there alongside Abbot Killeen. There is an empty area next to the two of you. May I ask who will be buried there?”
May 2016
Anja Marshall ’17 asks, “Do you know how the college acquired the neon green grocery sign that hangs in the critique room in the Bush Art Center?”
April 2016
Colin Waas ’19 asks, “Have you ever heard of any ghosts in the Pennings Activity Center? My friends and I hear odd noises and feel like we are being watched in there all the time.”
March 2016
Sam Holt ’18 asks, “I live in VMC hall. Who was Victor McCormick and why was the hall named after him?”
February 2016
Bernard Olejniczak ’53 asks: “I have heard that there is a connection between Archmere Academy and the Empire State building. Can you tell me if this is so?”
December 2015
Fiona Hehir ’18 asks: “How do you celebrate Christmas?”
November 2015
Taylor Miller ’16 asks: “Who is the new Hugh Hall named after?”
October 2015
Benjamin Lepak ’16 asks: “I heard that Main Hall is not the oldest building on campus. Can that be true?”
September 2015
Rich Gausselin ’61 asks, “Back in my days at SNC, freshmen wore beanies from the day they moved in up until homecoming. Are there any freshman year rituals today?”
August 2015
Jonathan Carroll ’17 asks: “Have any of our alumni ever competed in the Olympic Games?"
July 2015
Sarah Kick ’17 asks: “How did the St. Norbert College arch come into being?”
June 2015
Karen O'Connell ’05 asks: “In your best estimation, how many graduating students have taken photos with you over the years?”
May 2015
Dennis McGuire ’61 asks: “In your response to last month’s question, you mentioned how much you valued the early domestic staff. Who helped you with the outside work in those days?”
April 2015
Andrea Liebelt ’10 asks: “How was it possible that all of St. Norbert College was once housed under one roof in Main Hall?”
March 2015
Mackenzie Timmer ’18 asks: “What are your spring break plans?”
February 2015
Emily Techmeier ’15 asks: “How were students recruited to St. Norbert College in the early days?”
December 2014
Rebecca Liming ’15 asks: “In my time here, I’ve noticed several memorials spread around campus. How many are there?”
November 2014
Austin Van Pay ’17 asks: “Are you familiar with the term hashtag? If you had one, what would it be?”
October 2014
Neil Gloudemans ’12 asks: “As an alum working on campus, I’ve noticed that every year certain professors are distinguished with either the Leonard Ledvina Outstanding Teaching Award or the Donald B. King Distinguished Scholar Award. I feel sure that King and Ledvina were fascinating men–can you tell us more?”
September 2014
John Gallagher ’63 asks: “I heard the whole college used to be run out of one notebook and a cigar box. Is that true?”
August 2014
Katie Vanden Avond ’15 asks: “Has anyone famous ever stayed at the Kress Inn?”
July 2014
Kasey Corrado ’13 asks: “Is it true that St. Norbert College has one of each indigenous Wisconsin tree on its campus?”
June 2014
Wayne Leitermann asks: “Is there a connection between the similar team colors for the Packers and Green Knights?”
May 2014
Matt Christoff ’14 asks: “The moniker for this college seems to have changed at some point in time from “St. Norbert’s College” to “St. Norbert College.” Is it still acceptable to say “St. Norbert’s?”
April 2014
Rachel Mueller ’14 asks: “Is it true that women’s basketball coach Connie Tilley has achieved coaching success in other college sports?”
March 2014
Kelly (Langenecker) Peiffer ’97 asks: “How long has St. Norbert offered ‘alternative spring break’ programs?”
February 2014
Maggie Hall ’15 asks: “Is it true that St. Norbert once beat the University of Notre Dame at hockey?”
December 2013
Ben Cahall ’11 asks: “Can you share the story behind the Nativity scene that is set up in front of Main Hall every holiday season?”
November 2013
Myron “Mike” Hauser ’57 asks: “I was on the college web page and saw this year’s Alumni Award recipients. Who is the earliest alum to be honored?”
October 2013
Tom Basche ’46 asks: “Where do student do their shopping these days?”
September 2013
Bryant McCray ’16 asks: “It’s hard not to notice the colorful line of flags on the back of the Bemis International Center. What do the flags represent, and do they ever change?”
August 2013
Larissa Dallman ’13 asks: “At graduation, I couldn’t help but notice the “bling” that President Kunkel had on – what is the story behind the medal he wears?”
July 2013
Danny Carpenter ’14 asks: “Who is the Phil in Phil’s, the Ed in Ed’s Cafe, the Ruth in Ruth’s Marketplace and the Dale in Dale’s Sports Lounge?”
June 2013
Tim Berto ’07 asks: “Where were the science classrooms before JMS was built?”
May 2013
Jay DeCleene ’94 asks: “How long has the ROTC program been at SNC?”
April 2013
Elizabeth Krajnik ’15 asks: “Which fraternity and sorority were the first to be founded at St. Norbert, and which Greek group has been on campus the longest?”
March 2013
Sami Quinn ’08 asks: “Who was the first Ugly Man?”
February 2013
Kathleen McKitrick ’11 asks: “Which current faculty member has been teaching at St. Norbert the longest?”
December 2012
MaryBeth Earle Davich Ascher ’71 asks: “How many students have graduated from St. Norbert College?”
November 2012
Holly Nickerson ’15 asks: “I was wondering, how old is Norby the Knight? Also, when he reaches the end of his fourth year on campus, can he receive an honorary degree? I think it'd be a really cute idea if Norby could graduate, too!”
October 2012
Casey Wopat ’07 asks: “What’s this year’s homecoming theme?”
September 2012
Colleen Shore ’14 asks: “As a student, I have walked past the sculpture of St. Norbert many times between classes. How long has the sculpture been there? Is there particular meaning behind what he is holding?”
August 2012
Dan King ’15 asks: “Did any former St. Norbert football players ever go on to play for the Green Bay Packers?”
July 2012
Jay DeCleene ’94 asks: “It was exciting to hear that the De Pere Norbertines recently re-elected the Rt. Rev. Gary Neville as their abbot. How does the election process work?”
June 2012
Samantha Schurhammer ’12 asks: “At this year’s Commencement, it was quite a sight to see all the faculty and even staff wearing a cap and gown along with me and my classmates. Has this always been the tradition at St. Norbert?”
May 2012
Quent Below ’70 asks: “Is one of the existing fraternities on the St. Norbert campus a successor to the Kappa Chi fraternity that existed in the late 1960s? I was a founding member of KX.”
April 2012
Mary Symak asks: “Many years ago in my younger days when Bart Starr was still the Green Bay Packers coach, I attended the Summer Theological Institute. I am wondering if that is still being offered, or if there is something akin to that for us old duffers who may want a quick uplift in our spiritual renewal?”
March 2012
Jena Paul ’14 asks: “Was Van Dyke Gym the first gymnasium at St. Norbert College?”
February 2012
Brett Buboltz ’08 asks: “When was the first St. Norbert College Magazine published?”
December 2011
Christine Linnehan Strigenz ’76 asks: “I lived in Mad/Lor Hall and am curious to know why it was given that name. What is the story behind it?”
November 2011
Paul “Beta” Koehler ’59 asks: “What is the significance and meaning behind St. Norbert College’s presidential seal?”
October 2011
Connor Romenesko ’15 asks: “Where did St. Norbert College football games take place prior to Schneider and Minahan stadiums?”
September 2011
Nick Fry ’08 asks: “What state has the highest population of SNC alumni, other than Wisconsin?”
August 2011
Patti VandenBusch Albers ’76 asks: “It’s quite remarkable that the St. Norbert College Music Theatre program is celebrating its 50th year this summer. I’m curious as to what the first production was.”
July 2011
Patti VandenBusch Albers ’76 asks: “I noticed that the Shakespeare Garden between JMS, Bemis, Cofrin, and Todd Wehr halls had pavers added to the walkway this spring. When was the garden created? And is it really named after William Shakespeare?”
May 2011
April 2011
Ashley Knoke ’10 asks: “When did St. Norbert change from an institution for future priests to a Catholic college open to any student?”
March 2011
Brittany Draxler ’12 asks: “Was there really a high school on campus at one time?”
February 2011
James Reinkober ’55 asks: “Now that Minahan Stadium is history, who was the Minahan for whom the stadium was named? Did he contribute the funds for the stadium?”
December 2010
Jess Kropp ’12 asks, “Abbot Pennings, what would you like for Christmas?”
November 2010
Bern Diederich ’65 asks: “What notable American read the oath of office to the graduating ROTC cadets from the class of 1965?”
October 2010
Mallory Ford ’09 asks: “Back in the day there was a St. Norbert yearbook. Do you know why the title of it used to be ‘Des Pères’?”
September 2010
Tressa Boldt ’10 asks: “Is it true that a former Green Bay Packer player was involved in a St. Norbert Homecoming?”
August 2010
Alissa Roff ’09 asks: “When was the first year in which St. Norbert College graduated more women than men?”
July 2010
Bridget Zach ’11 asks: “Who is Mel Nicks and why is St. Norbert’s sports complex named after him?”
June 2010
Andrew McIlree ’06 asks: “During my Commencement from St. Norbert, I recall the Norbertines wearing a special hat that I believe is called a biretta. Does it symbolize anything in particular?”
May 2010
Carla Cucciatti Overbeck ’66 asks: “After reading an article in the current St. Norbert College alumni magazine about married alumni who met at St. Norbert, I wonder if there are any other couples who met at Camp Tivoli (the Norbertine camp near Cecil, Wis.) the way my husband and I did. I am a St. Norbert alumna, and Julius was a counselor at the camp. We married a year after graduation and are still together.”
April 2010
Arnie Beimborn ’43 asks: “From my college days – ’39 to ’43 – I remember Fr. Anselm Keefe’s constant companion, a dog named Betsy. Father left the campus with Betsy riding backward in the sidecar of his motorcycle. Any information on what happened to Betsy?”
March 2010
Jessica Flynt ’03 asks: “I was wondering, what is the name of the crowd-pumping song played as the men’s hockey team enters the ice? And how long has our hockey program been around?”
February 2010
Brian Kerhin ’92 asks: “As I was giving my five-year-old daughter a quick walking tour of campus this past weekend, we came upon a sculpture in front of JMS that I think it used to be in front of Main Hall. I am wondering what it’s called, when it was installed and how much it cost.”
December 2009
Paul Conners asks: “I read with interest a previously submitted question about the college's "Alma Mater" song. If I read your answer correctly, Heather Schmidt (Music) wrote the lyrics – but who wrote the music?”
November 2009
Kat (Kilok) Herald ’07 asks: “What are the most popular items at the caf nowadays? Chicken Caesar salad night and Pizza Hut night were always a hit when I was a student.”
October 2009
Frank McQuilkin ’53 asks: “How many Norbertines are there at St. Norbert Abbey?”
September 2009
Kaylee Beck ’13 asks: “I’m not an alum (yet), but I have a question. What does the “F.K.” stand for in F.K. Bemis International Center?”
August 2009
Deirdre Gehant, parent and Packer fan asks: “Now August is here it will be preseason for football. Just what is the history of the relationship between the Packers and St. Norbert College? Is it true they hold their training camp on campus? Are the Green Knight cheerleaders also Packer cheerleaders? Is one of our priests also the priest to the Packers team? Any other interesting tidbits to share?”
July 2009
Christine Donovan ’07 asks: “Dear Abbot Pennings, when I was a student, there was a white squirrel on campus. Is it still around?”
June 2009
Kristen Buettner ’09 asks: “Dear Abbot Pennings, there was a son we sang at graduation ... I believe it was called the “Alma Mater.” Could you share with me the history behind it?”
May 2009
Caitlin Zach ’09 asks: “Dear Abbot Pennings, now that you have relocated to your place of honor inside the new library, I’m worried I won’t be able to take a photo with you before I leave St. Norbert. It has been a tradition of so many graduates who have come before me – how can you keep it going?”
April 2009
Beth Clabots ’83 asks: “Dear Abbot, I keep hearing that the old library will be renovated – but into what? I am curious to know, having spent many an evening inside its walls.”
March 2009
Kim Szatkowski ’81 asks: “Abbot, I've always heard what a wonderful, generous man my great uncle, Father Luke Dionne, was. But he died suddenly when I was very young – I believe that would have been in the 1960s. Now, since nearly everyone who knew him is deceased, I wonder if the college archives have any more information on his legacy?”
By the way, it is interesting that the Dionne family coat of arms includes the fleur-de-lis, also associated with the Norbertines, and that the family motto is “In Service to God.” Just curious, perhaps this went into Luke’s decision to become a Norbertine priest?”
February 2009
Nick Patton ’03 asks: “Abbot, the last time I saw you, you were not looking yourself at all. Would you like to tell us about what's been happening to you recently?”
December 2008
Libby Hauser ’08 asks: “Who was Francis Boyle? How did Boyle Hall come to be named after him?”
November 2008
Maribeth Frinzi ’05 asks: “How ‘old’ is Old St. Joe’s?”
October 2008
Chris Kirwen ’08 asks: “I’ve noticed that the school was referred to as St. Norbert’s College at one time. When as the ‘s’ removed?”
September 2008
Grace Meyer ’84 asks: “I know you keep up to date with events on campus. Are any of the social groups getting together during Reunion Weekend this fall? In particular, the women from No Nonsense? It would be great to catch up with them.”
August 2008
Ragan Prucha Jorgensen ’97 asks: “I’m curious to know how long the Green Bay Packers have been using St. Norbert College for training camp.”
July 2008
Kate Geenen ’89 asks: “I have heard that an elephant participated in a particular St. Norbert Homecoming parade. Did this really happen, and if so, when?”
June 2008
Billy Falk ’08 asks: “As a recent graduate, I understand that I am now an official member of the St. Norbert College Alumni Association. I’m curious to know how long the alumni association has been in existence.”
May 2008
Sarah Kaminski ’08 asks: “I’m graduating this May and I'm sad that I won’t be on campus to see the building of the new Mulva Library. Are there plans to keep alumni informed of the progress?”
April 2008
John Connelly ’89 asks: “I’ve heard that there was an auditorium housed in Main Hall. What have been all the uses for Main Hall over the years?”
March 2008
Kara Wymelenberg Eulgen ’91 asks: “Are there time capsules in any campus buildings, and if so, do you know what’s in them?”
February 2008
Mike Kelly ’08 asks: “What is inside the dome on top of the Ray Van Den Heuvel Family Campus Center?”
December 2007
George Ermert ’02 asks: “What is the oldest social group on campus?”
November 2007
Allison Schmidt ’05 asks: “Is it really true that a Miss America attended St. Norbert College?”
October 2007
Tom Vavrek ’70 asks: “Father Anselm Keefe obtained a large cannon for the lawn in front of Main Hall in the 1920s. A smaller cannon was placed there in the 1960s. We held a huge pro-Vietnam War rally there in 1966, prominently featured in the 1967 yearbook. What became of both cannons?”
September 2007
Brian Bunkelman ’94 asks: “You referred to the St. Norbert school colors in last month’s letter. What is the origin of the Green and Gold – did we take them from the Packers?”
August 2007
James Boyd ’84 asks: “I have always wondered how St. Norbert came to adopt the Green Knight mascots. Do you know the history on this?”
July 2007
Mallory Kroon ’06 asks: “My time at St. Norbert was made even better because of some great professors I had. I’m a teacher myself now, and I’d love to find a way that I can easily connect with some of the faculty. Is there a way that I can do this?”
June 2007
Ed Bellock ’78 asks: “I heard a rumor that the armored Green Knight on display in Schuldes Sports Center ‘disappeared’ from campus at one point in time. Did this really happen?”
May 2007
Ann Hillman ’04 asks: “What programs or fields of study are most commonly selected by current students? Are there newer academic programs now available to students at St. Norbert?”
April 2007
Sarah Schmidt ’05 asks: “Before leaving SNC, many students have been known to climb up onto your lap in the middle of the night – braver students in broad daylight – and take a photograph with you as a St. Norbert keepsake. Do you mind when people sit on your lap and take pictures?”
March 2007
Kristin Michails ’03 asks: “As time passes from our graduation date I have started to lose track of some of my St. Norbert friends. Addresses change so fast as people get new jobs, shift careers or get married. Can you help me locate them?”
February 2007
Olivia Dart ’99 asks: “My husband and I met while we were students at St. Norbert College. I was wondering how many couples who met at St. Norbert are now married?”
January 2007
“How did the college radio station come by its call letters?”
December 2006
Cathleen “Kitty” (Leonard) Finn ’82 asks: “The cafeteria served the most delicious broccoli cheese casserole. The chef, J.R., finally parted with the recipe and it’s been a part of my family’s celebrations ever since. What is the most popular meal for students at the cafeteria today?”
November 2006
“When did the tradition of “uglies” and “queens” first begin on campus?”
October 2006
“I heard that astronaut John Glenn attended St. Norbert College in the 1960s.”
September 2006
“I’ve heard so much about ghosts on campus, especially in the current bookstore (formally St. Boniface). Any truth to these rumors?”
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