May 2012
Dear Abbot Pennings,
Is one of the existing fraternities on the St. Norbert campus a successor to the Kappa Chi fraternity that existed in the late 1960s? I was a founding member of KX.
Thank you,
Quent Below ’70
My dearest Quent,
From one founding father to another, thank you for writing. My kind friends in LSE have combed through the archives in an effort to address your inquiry regarding Kappa Chi.
Presently we have five national men’s fraternities on campus: Alpha Delta Gamma, Delta Upsilon, Kappa Sigma, Phi Delta Theta and Tau Kappa Epsilon. Those fraternities boast some notable members. Recent inductees into Greek life at St. Norbert include Packers quarterbacks Aaron Rodgers and Graham Harrell, who joined St. Norbert’s Sigma Xi chapter of Tau Kappa Epsilon on Jan. 5, 2012.
None of the college’s current fraternities is a successor to Kappa Chi (KX). Around the turn of the present millennium, KX experienced a decline in membership. Despite much effort to revive the fraternity, it disbanded in 2001. Fortunately, KX lives on in the memories of three decades of St. Norbert brethren
Responses to “Ask the Abbot” questions are penned by St. Norbert College staff in the name of Abbot Bernard Pennings, O.Praem., who founded St. Norbert College in 1898.