Make A Report
Below are the reporting options available to you for notifying the campus of a sex or gender-based harassment or discrimination incident.
Discuss Reporting Options
If you would like to learn more about reporting options, or are unsure about something you experienced, please e-mail Heather Butterfield, Title IX coordinator, at heather.butterfield@snc.edu, titleix@snc.edu, or call 920-403-3018. You may also contact a confidential resource regarding your concerns/questions.
Online Reporting
You may opt to file use the online reporting option in place of contacting one of the staff designed to receive reports. The choice is yours. All online reports are received by the Title IX Coordinator.
Please note that unless remaining anonymous, the identity of the individual(s) involved is obtained for the report but only shared with investigation personnel and those who need to know.
Reporting an Incident vs. Filing a Complaint
Reporting a sexual misconduct incident simply means disclosing/reporting the information with a designated St. Norbert College employee. It is not the same as filing a formal complaint, but it is the first step in the process if you choose to do so.
When reporting, the identity of the individual(s) involved is obtained for the report but never publicly or openly shared. Private information is only shared with the investigation personnel and others who have a need to know.
Responsibility to Report
Unless designated as a Confidential Resource, ALL employees (including student workers) are considered mandated reporters. Learn more here about mandatory reporting responsibilities.
Incidents Involving a Student
If a student(s) is involved, please make an online report or direct your report to one of the below options:
Title IX Coordinator
Heather Butterfield
Available Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.; an appointment is recommended
Located in Main Hall, Garden Level, Human Resources, Room 16
titleix@snc.edu or heather.butterfield@snc.edu
Title IX Deputy Coordinator
Joe Totman
Todd Wehr Hall, Suite 315
(Available 24/7/365)
325 S. Broadway, De Pere, WI 54115
Incidents Involving Faculty or Staff
If only faculty or staff is involved, please make an online report or direct your report to one of the below options:
Title IX Coordinator
Heather Butterfield
Available Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.; an appointment is recommended
Located in Main Hall, Lower Level, Human Resources, Room 16
titleix@snc.edu or heather.butterfield@snc.edu
Note: If there is a conflict with one of the above individuals, contact the Vice President of Business and Finance, 920-403-3250
Incidents Involving a Student
If a student(s) is involved, please make an online report or direct your report to one of the below options:
Title IX Coordinator
Heather Butterfield
Available Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.; an appointment is recommended
Located in Main Hall, Garden Level, Human Resources, Room 16
titleix@snc.edu or heather.butterfield@snc.edu
Title IX Deputy Coordinator
Joe Totman
Todd Wehr Hall, Suite 315
(Available 24/7/365)
325 S. Broadway, De Pere, WI 54115
Incidents Involving Faculty or Staff
If only faculty or staff is involved, please make an online report or direct your report to one of the below options:
Title IX Coordinator
Heather Butterfield
Available Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.; an appointment is recommended
Located in Main Hall, Lower Level, Human Resources, Room 16
titleix@snc.edu or heather.butterfield@snc.edu
Note: If there is a conflict with one of the above individuals, contact the Vice President of Business and Finance, 920-403-3250
Harassment/Discrimination Policy
Student Complaint Resolution Procedure
Employee Complaint Resolution Procedure
Heather Butterfield
Assistant Vice President of Human Resources
Main Hall, Garden Level, Room 16