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bell hooks Residency 2017

A singular honor for St. Norbert College, social justice scholar bell hooks returns for residency April 3-7, 2017.

Social justice scholar and writer of over 40 books, bell hooks returns for her final visit in a four-year historic residency series with SNC's Cassandra Voss Center, sister center to the bell hooks Institute at Berea College. hooks will present talks on identity, love and spirituality and dialogues with artists, scholars and writers. St. Norbert College is the only small liberal arts college honored to host a weeklong residency by hooks. 

2017 Residency: Schedule of Events

April 3

9:30 am

Cassandra Voss Center 

"Breakfast of Champions" 
The 2017 residency kicks off with bell hooks in conversation with SNC President Tom Kunkel.  

April 3 

6:30-7:30 pm

Cassandra Voss Center
Agape Latte ft. bell hooks
A special Agape Latte series, with hooks discussing her spiritual journey and life of social activism. The night will include live music, hooks-themed trivia, coffee and sweet treats.

April 4

7 pm 

Walter Theatre, 
Abbot Pennings Hall 
of Fine Arts 
"Feminist Future: Mutual Dialogue"
bell hooks in dialogue with Dr. George Yancy & Dr. Harry Brod 

Yancy and Brod return to St. Norbert College, where they will discuss love, men and masculinity in modern society alongside hooks.   

April 5

10 am

Aldo Leopold Community School, Green Bay, Wis. 
bell hooks & Dr. Bettine Love Book Reading & Civics Lesson 
hooks, who has penned five childrens' books, pairs with Love, a social-justice curriculum and hip hop-based education specialist, for a book reading and workshop with local elementary schoolchildren.     

April 5

4 pm

Walter Theatre, Abbot Pennings Hall of Fine Arts 

"Education Liberates"
bell hooks in dialogue with Dr. Bettina Love

The two will discuss liberatory education, education theory and black girlhood. 

April 6

9 am

Facebook Live 
"bell Bugle: Wake Up Call"
Join this Facebook Live interview and board book relaunch of hooks' acclaimed childrens' books, Happy to be Nappy and Be Boy Buzz.   

*Dialogue Events ft. DJ Afrekete
*All events are free and open to the public, with the exception of Wed., April 5's Aldo Leopold workshop. 

Maps and Directions

bell hooks

bell hooks (née Gloria Watkins) has been honored as a leading public intellectual by The Atlantic Monthly, as well as one of Utne Reader's "100 Visionaries Who Could Change Your Life." hooks is a captivating speaker and canonical social justice scholar who has authored nearly 40 books, including five books for children. bell hooks began her first book, Ain't I A Woman: Black Women and Feminism (1981), when she was 19; it was named one of the "twenty most influential women's books of the last twenty years" by Publishers Weekly. hooks' creative, interdisciplinary scholarship has impacted multiple disciplines and her works are held as canon in courses internationally, from sociology to religious studies to media communication. hooks is currently the Distinguished Professor in Residence in Appalachian Studies at Berea College. "Each offering from bell hooks is a major event," said Dr. Maya Angelou. Learn more.

George Yancy

Yancy is a professor of philosophy at Emory University, with scholarship focusing in the areas of critical philosophy of race, critical whiteness studies, and philosophy of the Black experience. He received his BA (with honors) in Philosophy from the University of Pittsburgh, his first Master’s Degree from Yale University in Philosophy, and his second Master’s degree in African-American Studies from NYU, where he was awarded a distinguished fellowship. His PhD (with distinction) is in Philosophy from Duquesne University. 

He has authored, edited, or co-edited 17 books, and many more academic articles and book chapters. His first book, Black Bodies, White Gazes: The Continuing Significance of Race, received an Honorable Mention from the Gustavus Myers Center for the Study of Bigotry and Human Rights. Three of his edited books have received CHOICE outstanding academic book awards. He is co-Editor of the American Philosophical Association Newsletter on Philosophy and the Black Experience, and is an ex officio member of the American Philosophy Association Committee on Blacks in Philosophy.

Bettina Love

Bettina Love is a Harvard Teaching and Research Fellow, social justice curriculum specialist, and University of Georgia education professor with extensive scholarship in ed theory and practice, critical media literacy and diversity and social justice education. Specific research intersects hip-hop feminism, hip hop-based education and black girlhood to understand, contextualize and deconstruct the formal and informal educational experiences of marginalized youth, be they queer, urban, African-American, female, male or a unification of these identities. She has been featured on TEDx, as well as written and co-written dozens of scholarly articles on innovative pedagogical practices through the use of non-traditional educational curricula.    

Harry Brod

Harry Brod is professor of philosophy and humanities at the University of Northern Iowa, and joins St. Norbert College as the first ever semester-long Distinguished Visiting Scholar in Masculinity Studies.

Brod received his Ph.D in philosophy at the University of California-San Diego in 1981. He is the author of The Making of Masculinities: The New Men's Studies, A Mensch Among Men: Explorations in Jewish Masculinity, Brother Keepers: New Perspectives on Jewish Masculinity, among others. His interests in research and teaching include: gender studies, Jewish studies, social and political theory, modern European thought, critical studies of masculinities, whitenesses and heterosexualities. Brod has served on the board of several organizations in his prolific career, including Humanities Iowa, American Men's Studies Association and the Iowa Regents Universities Men's Gender Violence Prevention Institute.

Brod has spoken and consulted at college campuses across the nation to thousands of students as a central component of gender violence prevention campaigns. His film on consent, Asking for It, is distributed by the reputable Media Education Foundation and is a widely used classroom resource.
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