• GERM 101 Elementary German 1
• GERM 102 Elementary German 2
• GERM 203 Intermediate German 1
• GERM 204 Intermediate German 2
Total Credits Required: 16
A German language certificate is available that recognizes successful demonstration of intermediate-level proficiency in the language for students who choose not to pursue a language major or minor. The certificate recognizes competency equivalent to the successful completion of the GERM 101-204 sequence with an overall grade point average of 3.00 or above in the language courses counting toward the certificate. The German 204 course that demonstrates successful completion of the certificate must be taken at St. Norbert College through the modern languages and literatures curriculum, and the student must earn a “B” or higher in this course. A student who places at the 300 level still must complete one class on campus and receive a grade of “B” or higher in that class. A student interested in a certificate could take four classes (GERM 101, GERM 102, GERM 203, GERM 204) at St. Norbert College. However, students interested in a certificate could place into GERM 203 or GERM 204 and would only have to take one, or at most, two classes.