Searching for Jobs and Internships
Follow the steps below when engaging in a job search.Step 1
Know Yourself- Interests: What engages your mind and makes you look forward to going to work? Consider taking the Strong Interest Inventory for further assistance.
- Values: What causes, issues or qualities engage your spirit and heart?
- Skills: What are your talents and abilities? What were your StrengthsQuest themes?
- Personality: What type of person are you? Consider taking the MBTI for more assistance in determining personality type.
- Preferences: What can't you live without in a position? Location? Commutes? Culture? Travel? Advancement opportunities?
Step 2
You should allow yourself at least 6 months for a successful search, although the process can take significantly more or less time depending on your experience and level of preparation.- View the job or internship search as a job itself. Keep in mind that minimal effort will most likely achieve minimal results.
- Create a list of tasks and set target dates for each.
- Set reasonable expectations in order to accomplish your goals by your target dates.
- Write it down! You may be more likely to tackle the job search if your plan is clearly organized and articulated.
- Enlist the help of a “coach” – an individual who knows you well, can provide objective feedback and will help you stay committed to your plan.
Step 3
Prepare Your Application Materials
- Résumé/Cover Letter: Create or update your résumé and cover letter. Be sure to remove old information and update with more recent accomplishments. Contact Career & Professional Development to have the résumé and cover letter critiqued.
- Interviewing: Preparing for interviews can give you the confidence you need to highlight your skills and accomplishments during the interviewing process. Contact Career & Professional Development to schedule a mock interview.
- Elevator Pitch: Develop this career-related advertisement to introduce yourself at networking events or to answer the “Tell me about yourself” question.
Step 4
Conduct a Comprehensive Job SearchRespond to Advertised Openings
- Register for Handshake, the St. Norbert College online job and internship posting system. All employers seeking to connect with St. Norbert College students and alumni are directed to utilize this online system.
- Monitor select websites weekly. Check out the job search links on the Career and Professional Development website.
- Monitor professional association websites. Go to your favorite search engine, type <your field> associations and see what results you get. Example: Marketing associations.
- Utilize LinkedIn to search postings.
- Research the companies on your list. Helpful websites for research: Reference USA, company websites or Google.
- View these brief Reference USA video tours to learn how to effectively use this tool!
- Bookmark and regularly check the websites of your targeted list of employers.
Attend Career Fairs
- Career fairs are an opportunity to meet with recruiters face-to-face to share your skills and to sell your experience. Be sure to check out the Career and Internship Fair Prep Guide (PDF) to help you prepare for attending these events.
- 7 out of 10 job hunters find jobs through networking, the process by which you obtain information about the job market from professionals in the field and increase your number of contacts. Networking will help you discover leads to unadvertised jobs in the “hidden job market.”
Disclaimer: Most employers are reputable and reliable, but Career & Professional Development is not in a position to guarantee the professional standing of all companies, organizations or individuals posting job or internship opportunities. Applicants are strongly encouraged to research potential employers as part of the search process.
Step 1
Know Yourself- Interests: What engages your mind and makes you look forward to going to work? Consider taking the Strong Interest Inventory for further assistance.
- Values: What causes, issues or qualities engage your spirit and heart?
- Skills: What are your talents and abilities? What were your StrengthsQuest themes?
- Personality: What type of person are you? Consider taking the MBTI for more assistance in determining personality type.
- Preferences: What can't you live without in a position? Location? Commutes? Culture? Travel? Advancement opportunities?
Step 2
You should allow yourself at least 6 months for a successful search, although the process can take significantly more or less time depending on your experience and level of preparation.- View the job or internship search as a job itself. Keep in mind that minimal effort will most likely achieve minimal results.
- Create a list of tasks and set target dates for each.
- Set reasonable expectations in order to accomplish your goals by your target dates.
- Write it down! You may be more likely to tackle the job search if your plan is clearly organized and articulated.
- Enlist the help of a “coach” – an individual who knows you well, can provide objective feedback and will help you stay committed to your plan.
Step 3
Prepare Your Application Materials
- Résumé/Cover Letter: Create or update your résumé and cover letter. Be sure to remove old information and update with more recent accomplishments. Contact Career & Professional Development to have the résumé and cover letter critiqued.
- Interviewing: Preparing for interviews can give you the confidence you need to highlight your skills and accomplishments during the interviewing process. Contact Career & Professional Development to schedule a mock interview.
- Elevator Pitch: Develop this career-related advertisement to introduce yourself at networking events or to answer the “Tell me about yourself” question.
Step 4
Conduct a Comprehensive Job SearchRespond to Advertised Openings
- Register for Handshake, the St. Norbert College online job and internship posting system. All employers seeking to connect with St. Norbert College students and alumni are directed to utilize this online system.
- Monitor select websites weekly. Check out the job search links on the Career and Professional Development website.
- Monitor professional association websites. Go to your favorite search engine, type <your field> associations and see what results you get. Example: Marketing associations.
- Utilize LinkedIn to search postings.
- Research the companies on your list. Helpful websites for research: Reference USA, company websites or Google.
- View these brief Reference USA video tours to learn how to effectively use this tool!
- Bookmark and regularly check the websites of your targeted list of employers.
Attend Career Fairs
- Career fairs are an opportunity to meet with recruiters face-to-face to share your skills and to sell your experience. Be sure to check out the Career and Internship Fair Prep Guide (PDF) to help you prepare for attending these events.
- 7 out of 10 job hunters find jobs through networking, the process by which you obtain information about the job market from professionals in the field and increase your number of contacts. Networking will help you discover leads to unadvertised jobs in the “hidden job market.”
Disclaimer: Most employers are reputable and reliable, but Career & Professional Development is not in a position to guarantee the professional standing of all companies, organizations or individuals posting job or internship opportunities. Applicants are strongly encouraged to research potential employers as part of the search process.
Contact Us
We are located in Todd Wehr Hall Room 215.
Hours of Operation
8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
Phone: 920-403-3040
Email: careers@snc.edu
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