We Make It Easy for You to Connect ...
We’re here to help students and our professional partners. For you, Career & Professional Development provides a wide variety of services and programs to meet your human resource needs.Job/Internship Posting
Employers may post positions on our office career platform, Handshake.
Professional Internship Program
Internships are a great way to test the waters, for both the company and the intern. The commitment may be short-term, but can lead to a beneficial connection for both.
On-Campus Recruiting
We invite employers to conduct individual or group interviews with potential candidates; we’ll work with you in advance to arrange convenient dates and times.
SNC Full-Time Career and Internship Fair
Our premier on-campus event, the bi-annual career fair attracts significant numbers of current students seeking full-time jobs and internship positions.
Mock Interview Relay for Teachers (MIRT)
Annual spring event that prepares our education majors to conduct professional, productive interviews with school administrators.
WorkForce Job and Internship Fair
Large annual spring job fair held in Milwaukee, sponsored by the Wisconsin Private College Career Consortium – a consortium of the 23 private colleges of Wisconsin, including St. Norbert.
If you have questions or would like to partner with us, please contact us. We are open to suggestions for ideas and partnership.
Contact Us
Todd Wehr Hall - 124
Hours of Operation
8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
Phone: 920-403-3040
Email: careers@snc.edu
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