ID Card Terms
The terms “you” and “your” in this agreement refer to the person whose name and image appear on the St. Norbert College ID card. The terms “we” and “the college” refer to St. Norbert College. The term “card” refers to the ID card and “custom cash” to a declining balance account established only for optional use by pre-depositing funds.This card is non-transferable and is the property of St. Norbert College. Unauthorized or fraudulent use of any SNC card may be subject to penalty and/or academic action. It is intended to last the duration of your stay. It is the cardholder’s responsibility to protect and maintain the condition of his/her card. This card is for the purposes of identification and transaction of St. Norbert College business. It should be carried when on St. Norbert property and must be presented upon request. The cardholder is responsible for immediately reporting a lost or stolen card. Reports must be made to the campus card services at 920-403-4030 which is open from 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. On weekends and after hours lost cards can be reported to Campus Safety at 920-403-3299. A nonrefundable fee is charged to replace damaged, lost and stolen cards. The college is not responsible for the use of a lost or stolen card until it is reported to campus card services personnel or campus safety. At that time we will deactivate your card, protecting the accounts and their remaining balances.
Privacy Statement
Through The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, also known as FERPA or the Buckley Amendment, Images captured for the ID card will only be used for college purposes within FERPA guidelines. Data collected on the use of the college facilities and services by an individual cardholder will be treated as same. Information regarding cardholder’s account will not be provided to third parties unless required by applicable laws, or with written permission of the cardholder. Additional copies of these terms and conditions are available through campus card services upon request, as are account statements. There are no fees for these services.
Custom Cash: Your Alternative Account
These terms and conditions go into affect ONLY upon depositing funds into your custom cash account. Payments on your custom cash account can be made in the campus card services office during regular business hours 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m, Monday through Friday. You may make deposits to your custom cash account in Campus Card Services or the college bursar office. Campus Card Services will ONLY charge custom cash to your student account (with Bursar Office credit approval only). You may make cash or check payments directly to the SNC Bursar’s Office during normal working hours 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.
Custom cash is in addition to the required residential meal plan and is not intended to be used to replace your residential meal plan. The cardholder is responsible for observing the amount and account charged during each use. Each receipt contains confidential information and we recommend you protect it. The account is non-transferable. If you attempt to use your card when there are insufficient funds available, the transaction will be denied. If a location goes into an “off-line” state for any period of time, and your account goes to a “negative” balance, your account will be charged for the purchase. Upon the second notification of a “negative” state of account, you will be charged a $10 fee for each transaction, regardless of its nature. No cash withdrawals are permitted. Custom cash accounts are intended for the purchase of goods and services only, not for cash withdrawals from merchants. You may return purchases to merchants contingent upon their return policy for a credit to your account.
There are no fees or other charges associated with opening or maintaining a custom cash account. Deposits will be loaded into your debit account immediately. If funds are credited to your account before your payment has cleared, you understand and agree that you will be liable should your payment be returned to us as unpaid. We reserve the right to freeze accounts associated with your card in the event a payment is returned as unpaid; in addition, we shall be entitled to bill to recover costs associated with such unpaid items. The current balance in your custom cash account will be carried over from semester to semester. When you graduate or terminate your studies/association with SNC, you may request a refund of remaining funds. All balances greater than $25 will be returned. If you have less than $25 remaining on your card, we will not issue a refund check but encourage you to spend the balance. Custom cash accounts which remain inactive for 12 months, that have a balance of $25 or more, will be refunded automatically less a $15 processing fee. The refund will be mailed to the last known address of the account holder.
Contact Us
Hours of Operation
*If it is after hours, and you have lost your SNC ID card, please call campus safety at 920-403-3299.
Phone: 920-403-4030
Email: campuscard@snc.edu