When you receive your financial aid offer, you may have questions. Perhaps the financial terminology sounds a little bit like a foreign language. Maybe the financial aid letter you receive from St. Norbert College uses different wording than another financial aid offer you received. If you’re evaluating multiple financial aid offers, all of this complexity can make an apples-to-apples comparison difficult.
A big part of our job in the SNC office of financial aid is to help you interpret your offer. We want you to understand what kind of aid is being offered, what your final out-of-pocket cost will be, and what you’ll be responsible for paying back over time. We also want you to be able to compare the costs of attending SNC and other institutions.
Don’t let a college’s “sticker price” fool you! When comparing financial aid offers from different schools, it’s important to look at two things:
At SNC, our typical financial aid offer is composed of two-thirds grants or scholarships, and one-third loans or work-study.
You may accept all of the financial aid offered to you — or you may choose to accept only some of the components of the award. If you choose to attend SNC, our office of financial aid will automatically apply the scholarships and grants in your offer to your SNC bill. However, you must choose whether or not to accept loans or participate in work study. For example, some students choose to accept a Federal Direct Subsidized Loan but not a Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loan.
We publish a guide to understanding your financial aid offer yearly — please read the terms and conditions carefully.
If you are an incoming student considering St. Norbert who has received notification that your financial aid offer is available to view online, you can view your offer online through Slate.
If you are deposited or enrolled at SNC, your financial aid offer is available through KnightLine, our secure student portal. Use your six-letter SNC Network username and password to log into KnightLine, then select “Financial Aid Dashboard.” KnightLine is where you will be able to accept or decline any federal student loans offered to you.
The short video tutorial below, created by SNC students, will show you how to log in and accept or decline the components of financial aid you have been offered in KnightLine.
Campus location
Todd Wehr Hall 136
310 Third St.
De Pere, WI 54115
Hours of operation
10 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
Mailing address
Financial Aid Office
St. Norbert College
Todd Wehr Hall, 136
310 Third St.
De Pere, WI 54115