Wendy Scattergood has been part of the St. Norbert College political science faculty since 2000. She teaches courses in public policy and administration, political ideologies, research methods and statistics, as well as political polarization, extremism and conspiracy theories. She conducted The Wisconsin Survey for 18 years, and her work on Wisconsin politics has been cited frequently in international, national and statewide media publications. Scattergood received the Bishop Robert F. Morneau Community Service Award from SNC in 2010. She is also a professional cellist.
Scattergood, Wendy E. (2023) - Wisconsin’s Supreme Court Race. https://blogs.lse.ac.uk/usappblog/2023/02/21/wisconsins-state-supreme-court-election-shows-the-growing-influence-of-political-polarization-across-all-branches-of-government/
Scattergood, Wendy E. (2020) - Liveblog on Election night.
Scattergood, Wendy E. (2020) - Primary Primers: Wisconsin’s election shows that a pivot to absentee ballots is possible at short notice – though not without problems. https://blogs.lse.ac.uk/usappblog/2020/04/16/primary-primers-wisconsins-election-shows-that-a-pivot-to-absentee-ballots-is-possible-at-short-notice-though-not-without-problems/
Scattergood, Wendy E. (2020) - Primary Primers: Wisconsin shows how the Covid-19 pandemic has made holding elections much more difficult. https://blogs.lse.ac.uk/usappblog/2020/04/02/primary-primers-wisconsin-shows-how-the-covid-19-pandemic-has-made-holding-elections-much-more-difficult/
Scattergood, Wendy E. (2019) - The Implications of the Wisconsin Supreme Court Election
Scattergood, Wendy E. (2019) - Podcast - Polarization and De-industrialization in the Badger State. https://blogs.lse.ac.uk/usappblog/2019/01/23/the-ballpark-podcast-episode-3-6-polarization-and-deindustrialization-in-the-badger-state/
Scattergood, Wendy E. (2018) - In Wisconsin, Governor Walker May Face a Backlash Against Donald Trump. https://blogs.lse.ac.uk/usappblog/2018/10/31/in-wisconsin-governor-scott-walker-may-face-a-democratic-backlash-against-donald-trump/
Scattergood, Wendy E. (2016). In Wisconsin’s Senate race, Johnson vs. Feingold has gone from a sure-thing to a potential trend-buster. http://blogs.lse.ac.uk/usappblog/2016/11/03/in-wisconsins-senate-race-johnson-vs-feingold-has-gone-from-a-sure-thing-to-a-potential-trend-buster/
“Contextualizing Climate Change Deniers”, paper presented at the Western Political Science Association conference. San Diego, CA, April 2019.
“Climate Change Skepticism in the Age of Trump” paper presented at the Nordic Environmental Social Science Conference, 6-8th June 2017, Tampere, Finland
“The Gender Gap in the 2016 Presidential Election” paper presented at the Wisconsin Political Science Association Meeting (invited speaker), October 2016.
“Polarization in Wisconsin Public Opinion: 1984-2013” paper presented at the Western Political Association meeting, Seattle, WA, March 2014.
“Judicial Elections and State Court Accountability: A Survey of Wisconsin Voters” (with Charley Jacobs and David Wegge) paper presented at the annual national meeting of the American Political Science Association, New Orleans LA, Aug-Sep 2012
“Balancing the Power of Citizens and Communities: Wind Power Siting Decisions,” (with Chris Borick and David Wegge) poster presented at the annual national meeting of the American Political Science Association, Seattle WA, Aug.-Sept 2011.