Kylie Bennett, Elizabeth Heil, and Jacob Laubacher. Secondary Hochschild cohomology and derivations. Submitted, arXiv:2302.11620, 2023.
Jacob Laubacher. Secondary Hochschild homology and differentials. Mediterr. J. Math., 20(1):52, 2023.
Sara DeGroot, Jacob Laubacher, and Mark Medwid. On prime character degree graphs occurring within a family of graphs (ii). Comm. Algebra, 50(8):3307–3319, 2022.
Samuel Carolus and Jacob Laubacher. Simplicial structures over the 3-sphere and generalized higher order Hochschild homology. Categ. Gen. Algebr. Struct. Appl., 15(1):93–143, 2021.
Samuel Carolus, Jacob Laubacher, and Mihai D. Staic. A simplicial construction for noncommutative settings. Homology Homotopy Appl., 23(1):49–60, 2021.
Jacob Laubacher and Mark Medwid. On prime character degree graphs occurring within a family of graphs. Comm. Algebra, 49(4):1534–1547, 2021.