Graduate courses:
Villarroel has published on the role of the UN Women’s Convention in Latin America, the role of indigenous women in political movements and nation-building strategies, and indigenous actors in democratic movements. She has published various interdisciplinary articles on the role of social movements and democratization in Latin America. She is currently working on the League of Nations’ role in facilitating Jewish families’ migration to Bolivia during World War II.
Publications and working papers
Villarroel, G., (2023) The Latin American Left in the 21st Century. Work in Progress.
Villarroel, G., (2023). The Brand is Crisis: A Comparative Analysis of Bolivia’s Elections in Early 21st Century in Zanj: The Journal of Critical Global South Studies, forthcoming in 2023
Villarroel, G., and J. Cervantes (2020). Indigenous Slave, Mistress, and Goddess/Mother: Mexican Nation-Building and the Heterogenous Memorialization of La Malinche. (Manuscript in Progress)
Villarroel, G. (2014). “Democracy and Artistic Production in Latin America in a Digital and Global Era” in LASA Forum, April 2014.
Villarroel, G. & Gargarella, R. (2014), “Diversifying Democracy in Latin America in the 21st Century” in LASA Forum, January 2014.
Villarroel, G., and Gargarella, R. (2013). “More Power to the Executive: the State of Latin America Democracies in the Early Part of the Twenty-First Century” in LASA Forum, October 2013.
Villarroel, G. (2011). “Bolivian Women Making the Revolution” in ReVista: The Harvard Review of Latin America in September of 2011.
Villarroel Smeall, G. (2004). “The United States and the United Nations: Unilateralism in an Era of Globalization.” In Globalization Redux: Same Name New Game, edited by Thomas Conner. Lanham, MD: University Press of America.
Villarroel Smeall, G. (2000). “Bolivia: Women's Rights, the International Women's Convention, and State Compliance” In Women's Rights: A Global View, edited by Lynn Walter. Westport: Greenwood Publishing Group, Inc.
Villarroel Smeall, G. (1998). “Coretta Scott King, Sandra Day O'Connor” (1998) Encyclopedia of Women in American Politics, edited. by Jeff D. Schultz and Laura Van Assendelft. Phoenix: Oryx Press.
Villarroel Smeall, G. (1994). “Women, Adamocracy, and the Bolivian Social Revolution.” Women and Revolution in the Third World, edited by Mary Ann Tetrault. Columbia, SC: South Carolina Press.