Jacobs, Charles F. and Christopher Smith. 2019 “Justice Anthony Kennedy as Senior Associate Justice: Influence and Impact.” UIC-John Marshall Law Review, Volume 52(4), 907-936.
Jacobs, Charles F. and Christopher Smith. 2011 “The Influence of John Paul Stevens: Opinion Assignments by the Senior Associate Justice.” Santa Clara Law Review, Volume 51(3): 101-129.
Cirincione, Carmen and Charles Jacobs. 1999. “Identifying Insanity Acquittals: Is It Any Easier?” Law and Human Behavior, Volume 23(4): 487-497.
Book chapters:
Smith, Christopher and Charles F. Jacobs. 2018. “Justice Scalia and Criminal Justice: A Mixed Record with Conservative Impact.” In The Conservative Revolution of Antonin Scalia, edited by David A. Schultz. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, a division of Rowman and Littlefield Publishing.
Jacobs, Charles F. 2011. “Justice Stephen Breyer, Active Liberty, and Criminal Justice.” In The Rehnquist Court and Criminal Justice, edited by Christopher E. Smith, Christina DeJong, and Michael A. McCall. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, a division of Rowman and Littlefield Publishing.
Other publications:
Jacobs, Charles F. 2017. “Partisan Judicial Elections and Political Money” and “Supreme Court Hearings.” In Federal Courts: A Complete Guide to History, Powers, and Controversy, edited by Christopher P. Banks. Santa Barbara, California: ABC-CLIO. Recognized by The Library Journal on it Best Reference list of 2017.
Jacobs, Charles F. 2014. “Pre-Law Advising in a Post-Recession World.” Law and Courts: Newsletter of the Law and Courts Section of American Political Science Association, Volume 24(3).
Jacobs, Charles F. 2013. “Web Link Assets for Chapters 6, 9, 10, 16, 17, 18” in Keeping the Republic, 6th Edition, by Christine Barbour and Gerald C. Wright. New York: SAGE/CQ Press.
Jacobs, Charles F. 2012 “Homer Cummings;” “Munn v. Illinois;” and “Pendleton Act of 1883.” In The Social History of Crime & Punishment in America, edited by Wilbur R Miller. New York: Sage Reference.
Jacobs, Charles F. 2012. “Actus Reus;” “Argersinger v. Hamlin;” “Cross Burning;” “Determinate Sentencing;” and “Indeterminate Sentencing.” In The Encyclopedia of American Law and Criminal Justice, edited by David Schultz. New York: Facts on File, Inc. 3
Jacobs, Charles F. 2008. “Dayton Board of Education v. Brinkman (Dayton II)” and “Pasadena City Board of Education v. Spangler.” In Encyclopedia of the Supreme Court of the United States, edited by David Tanenhaus. Farmington Hills, MI: Macmillan Reference USA (Thomas Gale).
Jacobs, Charles and Carmen Cirincione. 1999. “Policy Change and the Impact on Insanity Acquittals.” Corrections Now, Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Corrections Section Newsletter