Rental Vehicles
St. Norbert College (SNC) has identified Enterprise Rental Car Company as our preferred vendor for renting of vehicles. Enterprise provides special rates for all WAICU educational institutions including SNC. The link below can be used to register for the Enterprise Rewards Program (Emerald Club) which provides special services and rewards. This will enable you to rent vehicles from Enterprise or National and receive the discounted rate. These rates will apply to business rentals as well as any personal rentals. Although Enterprise is our preferred vendor, if they do not have the vehicle you need feel free to contact other rental agencies.
Also included below is a link to a document that shows the rental rates for various classes of vehicles. The “Wisconsin” rate is the rate that would apply to any rentals of vehicles from a local Green Bay area Enterprise location. Enterprise offers three convenient local rental locations in East Green Bay, Ashwaubenon, and the Green Bay Airport.
Contact Us
Dave Nalepka
Director of Risk and Property
Phone: 920-403-3066
Email: dave.nalepka@snc.edu