
Humans of St. Norbert: KC Garania
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Humans of St. Norbert: KC Garania

Humans of St. Norbert:

“I started working at the college about four years ago ... in the registrar’s office. I was presented with the opportunity to do some ministry work [for a church] so that’s why I left, but now I am back! I am in the music office. Music is definitely an area of passion for me. I am not trained in it but love it all the same. I keep telling my husband that the transition away and then back to SNC was so easy, it kinda felt like I never left.

“When I first went into ministry, I worked for a church that was growing really fast. They were about to launch a for-profit business so some of the lead staff needed to free up their plates. We were attending there as a family so I was already connected. I was asked to come in and be the executive admin for the pastors. We had to figure out ways to communicate with the large number of people because the size of the church had thousands. Originally, the person in charge of that was the lead pastor but she was focused on everything else and running the church. I was lucky to work with a lot of really talented people who knew a lot about working in marketing, communications and design. I got to be part of things that would impact the community or fundraisers through other organizations and social media.

“One thing I discovered is that I love writing. I realized while doing all of this marketing and communications work that it was writing and it was a skill of using words to create. So I started to put all of this knowledge together in blog form. I now have a local restaurant owner who I do social media for as well as some other client projects.” – KC Garania, administrative specialist for visual and performing arts.