
Humans of St. Norbert: Tyler Clark MBA ‘20
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Humans of St. Norbert: Tyler Clark MBA ‘20

Humans of St. Norbert:

“We build hope through education and we help developing villages around the world to build a library and also create a mentoring program. One of our biggest things is, for example, Sub Saharan Africa. They have a huge problem where the average class size is 75 students to every teacher. So, what we do is we have hundreds of mentors all over the world and they log in once a week to mentor these kids one-on-one. Not only is it great for the mentors because they’re able to connect and learn about different cultures and people, but also for the kids.

What we’ve been able to see is within about six straight months of doing the program, they’ve doubled their academics force. Providing them a mentor keeps them in school, helps their academic scores go through the roof, gives them hope for the future because they’re able to test into high school and college.” – Tyler Clark MBA ‘20, CEO and co-founder of Village Book Builders