
Humans of St. Norbert: Neale Tracy ’21
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Portrait of Neale Tracy

Humans of St. Norbert: Neale Tracy ’21

Humans of St. Norbert:

“I joined The Equality Project my first year on campus. I joined because I was invited to a meeting by Anna Huck, who I think was the vice president [of the student org] at the time and it was really exciting to me to see a group of students and feminists working to better the school for students.

“I think that I was raised to seek justice and equality, but not in those words. It was my parents encouraging me to befriend the new kid and naming me Neale, a traditionally masculine name, so that anything I put my name on would be given the same opportunities as my male counterparts. Being raised in an environment that welcomed questions and research, along with incredible mentors like Alaina Morales and Katie Ries, friends like Anna Huck, Sarah Chojnacki, Sophie Rodriguez and Dia Henderson, who are passionate and incessant in their pursuit of knowledge and justice, and organizations like Break Away, I’ve been able to move from ‘non-racist volunteer’ towards anti-racism and active citizenship.

“I have been trying to just read a lot and I think that, obviously as a white woman, I have a lot of privilege and with that, I am also one of the biggest dangers to the Black Lives Matter movement, and to any movement for the rights of marginalized communities. Trying to advocate has been a learning curve and I am really working to read articles and books by Black women and queer people. And I guess make sure that I am not deciding what I think is the best move, but listening to what the Black community is saying they need from white women and doing that instead.” – Neale Tracy ’21