
Humans of St. Norbert: Madison Earing ’22
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Portrait of Madison Earing

Humans of St. Norbert: Madison Earing ’22

Humans of St. Norbert:

“Moment of Magic is a nonprofit organization. We provide children with creative programming like crafts, singing and just interacting with them. Our most popular visits are princess visits, superhero visits and athlete visits. At St. Norbert, we have about three active characters that were casted and we have two that just auditioned, so we will be getting their characters really soon. You have to go through a whole audition process and really know your character. They have huge character integrity.

“[My favorite part is] interacting with the kids. Seeing how it makes them feel and be like, ‘This is why I am doing this. This is why I went through the training, this is why I raised this money.’ Right now, we can't visit in person in the hospitals because of COVID, but we are still doing virtual programming, which is FaceTime calls or Facebook livestreams, so we are still getting to interact with the kids. We also do what's called Wonder Wheels visits where we drive around and wave to kids from the car.

“I heard about Moment of Magic a long time ago when I was younger, and I randomly thought of it over Christmas break last year. I thought of the memory and I was like, ‘Oh my gosh, this is such an amazing opportunity for everyone. Like who wouldn’t want to do this?’ I could just see people wanting to get involved. I also want to be a doctor so this really solidified that route to me.” – Madison Earing ’22