St. Norbert College Student Emergency Fund
Unexpected situations or expenses can have the potential to financially impact a student’s success. At St. Norbert College, we want to make sure these unexpected circumstances don’t derail a student’s time at college.
What is the SNC Student Emergency Fund?
The SNC Student Emergency Fund helps currently enrolled students who have financial hardships cover expenses related to unforeseen emergencies that significantly impact their ability to be successful during the semester. Students can apply for a one-time grant of up to $500.
What circumstances qualify for an SNC Student Emergency Grant?
Examples of qualifying circumstances for which a student may apply for an emergency grant include, but are not limited to:
- To replace book and supplies that have been stolen or destroyed in a fire
- To provide food and personal items related to unanticipated changes to finances
- To provide temporary housing for students who leave unsafe living environments
- To help pay for non-routine car repairs or medical expenses
- To cover short-term expenses associated with a sudden unexpected job loss or illness
- To help with the travel costs home because of a death of an immediate family member
Who is eligible for an SNC Student Emergency Grant?
Students must have demonstrated financial need and have exhausted all other funding options before consideration. This grant is intended for one-time emergency situations that occur during the semester. This grant is not intended to support pre-existing, ongoing or recurring expenses. Eligible recipients must meet the following criteria:
- Are currently enrolled and will be enrolled in the term for which an emergency grant is requested.
- Have exhausted all other financial resources (e.g. student loans, friends and family, etc.). Please see the financial aid office first if you do not know.
How do I apply and request assistance?
Have you checked with financial aid for possible options first? If so, please complete the SNC Student Emergency Grant application.
What happens after I submit my application?
Staff review the student’s application, supporting documentation and financial aid to determine eligibility. Eligible applicants will be contacted via email to schedule a time to discuss their circumstances and help identify potential campus and community resources. The SNC Student Emergency Grant Committee will review the request as well to help make the decision on awarding these grants.
Please note: Awards are contingent on available funding.
How are SNC Student Emergency Grants funded?
The SNC Student Emergency Fund is funded by generous donors to the college who want to see SNC students succeed. To support this fund, please visit snc.edu/giving and designate your gift to the SNC Student Emergency Fund.
Contact Us
If you’re in need of support, contact Tori McNeal at victoria.mcneal@snc.edu to discuss options that may be available to you.