Respect Initiative
Respect at St. Norbert College is deeply rooted in our legacy of communio. Communio calls on us to uphold the sacred human dignity of all individuals, to participate in difficult dialogue and to create an educational environment built on trust where our community thrives.
The Pillars of Respect
The Pillars of Respect offer a guide that will give us all shared language as we move forward.

Anti-Racism at SNC
St. Norbert College has committed itself to becoming anti-racist. Utilize the resources from the Cassandra Voss Center or the Norman Miller Center.

Respect in Campus Events
Bring the Respect Initiative to your classroom, event or residence hall room. Please support cultivating a respectful and inclusive campus by downloading, printing and sharing our posters.
Contact Us
Get in touch with us and share how you used the Pillars of Respect at respect@snc.edu.