Resurrection: the Deep Pulse of the Bible
Thursday, May 3, 2018 • 7:30 a.m.
Hendrickson Dining Room, Bemis International Center
St. Norbert College
About the Rev. Donald Senior C.P., Ph.D.
Rev. Donald Senior, C.P., is President Emeritus and Chancellor of Catholic Theological Union in Chicago (CTU), the largest Roman Catholic graduate school of ministry in the United States, where he is also a member of the faculty as Professor of New Testament. Born in Philadelphia, he is a member of the Passionist Congregation and was ordained a priest in 1967. He received his doctorate in New Testament studies from the University of Louvain in Belgium in 1972, with advanced studies at Hebrew Union College in Cincinnati and Harvard University. He served as president of CTU for 23 years. He is a frequent lecturer and speaker throughout the United States and abroad, serves on numerous boards and commissions; and is actively involved in the interreligious dialogue, particularly with the Jewish and Muslim communities.
Fr. Senior has published extensively on biblical topics, with numerous books and articles for both scholarly and popular audiences. He was the recipient of the National Catholic Library Association’s 1994 Jerome Award for Outstanding Scholarship and the 1996 National Catholic Education Association’s Bishop Loras Lane Award for outstanding service to Catholic education. In 2013 he received the O’Connell-Douglas Award for his contribution to interreligious and ecumenical harmony, and the Gutenberg Award for biblical scholarship. In 2014 he was awarded the Order of Lincoln Award, the State of Illinois’ highest honor for public service. In 2001, Pope John Paul II appointed him as a member of the Pontifical Biblical Commission and he was reappointed in 2006 by Pope Benedict XVI and by Pope Francis in 2013.
Pilgrim Lectures are free and open to the public, but require a reservation.
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