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St. Norbert College Parish Prayer Requests

We offer everyone the opportunity to leave prayer requests. Please send us your prayer request below, and we will remember your intention each Wednesday during our novena prayers to St. Joseph. Your request will also be shared with the SNC Prayer Team and the SNC Care Ministry Team. Your requests will be collectively held up throughout the year in prayers and Masses. Your prayer, unless requested to be confidential, will also be shared through the prayer intention list and shared with our parish community through the weekly bulletin.

Prayer Request Form
Name of prayer requester:
Name of prayer recipient(s):
Email address: 
Would you like a call? Yes No
Mailing address:
If this request is for a parish member and they are not presently at home, what is their location?
Name of location and address (if possible)
Are you an SNC student? Yes No
Are you an SNC Parish member? Yes No
If you are a parish member, may we publish your prayer request in the bulletin? Yes No
Would you or your family like a visit from a member of our Care Ministry Team? Yes No
If yes, would you like us to bring Communion? Yes No
Prayer request: 

Prayer requests may also be made by phone to Mary Steckart (Steck) at 920-337-6382 (you may leave a message) or by email: mary.steckart@snc.edu.
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