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Prayer Chain

Praying for one another is an essential component of a faith community. St. Norbert College Parish established a prayer chain for parishioners, in which volunteers from the parish pray for specific, requested intentions.

How the Prayer Chain Works
We offer everyone the opportunity to 
leave prayer requests. Send us your prayer request and we will remember your intention each Wednesday during our Solemn Novena prayers to St. Joseph, and collectively all prayers will be held up throughout the year in our prayers and Masses. Your requests will be shared with the SNC Prayer Team and the Community Care Outreach Team.

Submitting a Prayer
Prayer requests can be submitted by filling out our online request form, by emailing parishprayers@snc.edu or calling the parish office at 920-403-3988. Prayer requests may also be given to a member of the prayer chain, who in turn informs the other members involved within this ministry. Confidentiality is strictly adhered to.
Volunteer Opportunities
Participate as a member of the prayer chain by making a commitment to intentionally pray for the submitted requests.

Time Commitment
Ten to 20 minutes per day in your own home.

Get Involved
If you would like to become a member of the parish prayer chain team, please contact Mary Steckart (Steck) at 920-337-6382. You may leave a message on this confidential voicemail or email her at parishprayers@snc.edu.

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