Fall 2012 Move-in
Mike Peckham, Director of Housing Operations
The residence hall staff will be ready for new students to move in on Thursday, August 23, from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Bergstrom Hall honors students will move in on Wednesday, August 22, from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Returning students may move into the residence halls on Friday, August 24. Students moving into upper-class housing areas (apartments, townhouses, college houses, Gries Hall) can check in at the Todd Wehr Knights Connections desk from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on August 24.
When new students arrive on campus, all traffic is routed to the library parking lot on Third Street. There, cars are lined up and allowed to progress to the assigned hall when space becomes available. When you arrive at your residence hall, a group called Kunkel’s Krew will be available to assist you. Kunkel’s Krew members are students and staff who have volunteered to help unload your vehicle and move belongings to rooms. Once your vehicle is unloaded, staff will ask you to promptly move it to a long-term parking lot away from the unloading areas.
If your student is participating in a fall sport, he/she may be required to move in earlier. The St. Norbert College athletic department will contact your student with early arrival move-in information.
When checking in, your student will be issued room keys and a Room Condition Report form (RCR). It is important to fill out the RCR completely, because it itemizes the current condition of the physical aspects of the room.
Moving equipment, such as carts and dollies, is generally not available. You should plan on bringing your own if you feel it would be helpful for move-in day.
For more information, contact the Office of Residential Education and Housing.