Navigate the Academic Year With This Helpful Calendar
Whether you’re a newly minted college parent or a seasoned pro, it’s not always easy to be on top of things. You don’t want to miss signature college events aimed at parents, for example, nor the chance to help your student stay on track. With this in mind, we’ve created a helpful calendar of key events in your student’s academic year.
Fall Semester 2023
Aug. 4: Fall semester full tuition due (if not on an SNC-recognized payment plan)
Aug. 24: Move-In Day (first-years)
Aug. 24-27: Week of Welcome
Aug. 25: Move-In Day (continuing students)
Aug. 27: Convocation and Mass of the Holy Spirit
Aug. 28: Classes begin
Sept. 1: Add/drop deadline
Sept. 4: Labor Day
Sept. 12: Involvement Fair
Sept. 15-16: SNC Day and Family Weekend
Oct. 5-8: Long Weekend
Nov. 1 and 7: Advisement
Nov. 2-9: Registration for Spring 2024 semester classes (time tickets issued in KnightLine)
Nov. 22-26: Thanksgiving Break
December: FAFSA application available for next academic year (exact date TBA)
Dec. 11-15: Final Exams
Spring Semester 2023
Jan. 8: Spring semester full payment due (if not on an SNC-recognized payment plan)
Jan. 22: Classes begin
Jan. 26: Add/drop deadline
Feb. 1: Preferred FAFSA filing date
March 9-17: Spring Break
March 29-April 1: Easter Break
March 26 and April 3: Advisement
April 2-4: Registration for Fall 2024 semester classes (time tickets issued in KnightLine)
TBA: The Forum: Undergraduate research presentations
May 6-10: Final exams
May 12: Commencement
Updated July 2023