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Innovative Peacebuilding in Time of Trouble

2023 Annual Student-Faculty Conference on Peace and Conflict Studies
Theme: "Innovative Peacebuilding in Time of Trouble"

Friday March 31, 2023

Registration 7:45-8:30 a.m.
Conference 8:30am-4:30pm

FK Bemis International Center, St. Norbert College

This event is sponsored by the Norman Miller Center for Peace, Justice & Public Understanding at St. Norbert College and the Wisconsin Institute for Peace and Conflict Studies.  

This one day conference will focus on topics related to peace and conflict, with a special emphasis on multi-disciplinary, creative contributions to sustainable peace. Our planned plenary sessions will highlight the role of the arts in activism and peacebuilding, and other sub-themes will include gender-based violence, climate change, and the reception and integration of refugees.

Tentative Schedule

7:45am  Registration opens

8:30am  Welcome (Fort Howard Theater)

9:00am  Plenary #1 — Dr. Brandon Bauer, Associate Professor of Art, St. Norbert College: "Artistic Activism"

10:00am  Breakout Session #1

11:00am  Breakout Session #2, with concurrent poster sessions

12:15pm  Lunch (Hendrickson Dining Room), with presentation of awards

1:00pm  Plenary Session #2 — Maggie McConnaha, PhD student, Michigan State: "Restorative Justice"

2:00pm  Breakout Session #3

3:00pm  Plenary Session #3 — Dr. John Miller, Professor of Social Work, Dean of Curriculum, and Senior Advisor for Diversity, St. Norbert College: "Moving Beyond the Tranqualizing Drug of Gradualism: 60 Years After Dr. King's Dream"

4:00pm  Closing

The conference will include coffee breaks and lunch at no additional cost. Participation is free for faculty and students of WIPCS member schools (apply the discount code WIPCS when registering). Cost for non-members is $15 for students and $40 for faculty. Conference rate of $99/night is available at the Kress Inn for March 30-31. Call 920-403-5100 and mention WIPCS when booking.

Register Here


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