In the News
In the News
Regular Features

In My Words
By Virtue of His Highly Superior Brains ...
The homilist’s trip down the yellow brick road was a lovely metaphor for the process of education, says President Tom Kunkel, “and as he spoke to our graduates, I found myself nodding along in contented agreement. Then a jarring notion occurred. Hmmm ….”

Personally Speaking
Called to a Position of Trust
Even as a student, Mike Van Asten ’75 understood that the St. Norbert College community was far from ordinary. Now, leading the college’s board of trustees as its new chair, he finds his continued involvement has expanded his horizon and enriched his life.

1697 Missal
“The material that I once wrote about in my dissertation, I can put my hands on here. That’s a really thrilling thing.” – The Rev. Andrew Ciferni, O.Praem., ’64 (Center for Norbertine Studies)

Alumni Profile
Survivor Demonstrates a Heart for Service
“It was like my blood was on a trampoline, jumping around in my body.” It was a bizarre sensation for Kaela Gedda ’12. She was a 19-year-old St. Norbert College student, home for the Easter holiday, and her life was about to take a shocking turn.

Big Picture
Gateway to Learning
As the evening light lengthens the shadows, it projects the iconic St. Norbert College arch further along the Baer Mall, defining a path full of possibility.