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Harry Brod Faculty Development Workshop

Fri., Oct. 14, 2016, 3:30 p.m. Cassandra Voss Center 
Disarming Fighting Words: Dealing With Racist — and Other Harmful — Comments in the Classroom

Presenters: Dr. Harry Brod, Dr. Karen Mitchell  

Description: Many of us find it challenging to respond to racist or otherwise hurtful comments in the classroom. Such comments often take us off guard, and can be very difficult to handle well. This workshop focuses on:

  • The kinds of comments to which we should be attentive
  • How we can use empathy and listening skills to address such comments in the moments in which they occur
Both Brod and Mitchell are certified as teacher trainers by the National Coalition Building Institute (NCBI) and Mentors in Violence Prevention (MVP), and are recipients of the Iowa Board of Regents Award for Faculty Excellence. This is an interactive workshop, so come prepared to participate


Dr. Harry Brod

Dr. Harry Brod, Distinguished Visiting Scholar at St. Norbert College for fall 2016, is Professor of Sociology and Humanities at the University of Northern Iowa and holds a Ph.D in Philosophy. Dr. Brod served as Director of the Iowa Regent Universities Men’s Gender Violence Prevention Institute and on the Boards of Directors of Humanities Iowa and the American Men’s Studies Association. He received the Leadership and Service Award from the Men’s Center of Saint John’s University (MN), an award for Exemplary and Sustained Contributions to the Field of Men's Studies from the American College Personnel Association’s Standing Committee for Men, and held a Fellowship in Law and Philosophy at Harvard Law School.

Dr. Karen Mitchell

Karen Mitchell is a professor of communication studies at the University of Northern Iowa, where she teaches courses in performance studies. In 2012 she received the Leslie Irene Coger Award for Distinguished Performance, granted by the National Communication Association for her 22 years of work as Artistic Director of UNI Interpreters Theatre and her founding of SAVE (Students Against a Violent Environment) Forum Actors, also at UNI. In her forty years of teaching, eleven of which were devoted to teaching high school students, Dr. Mitchell has honed a pedagogical style that emphasizes experiential learning, creative performance work, collaborative problem solving, community building, and social justice action. She is an active member in the Performance Studies division of the National Communication Association and is the Editor of the NCA Performance Review Board, as well as a Past President of Pedagogy and Theater of the Oppressed.

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