Geology students reviewing a topographical map. background

Course Catalog

United States politics minor

POLI 200 Research Methodology and Techniques


Four (or 16 credits) of the following United States Politics and/or Public Policy/Administration courses:

Four of the following courses:

GEOG 231 GIS-Social Sciences/Humanities

POLI 231 State and Local Politics

POLI 232 Red State, Blue State: American Political Polarization

POLI 237 Courts and Justice in the U.S.

POLI 238 Introduction to Public Administration

POLI 248 Trial Advocacy

POLI 249 Mock Trial

POLI 317 American Political Thought

POLI 332 Political Parties and Elections

POLI 333 American Conspiracy Theories

POLI 341 Constitutional Law: Institutional Powers

POLI 342 Constitutional Law: Civil Rights/Liberties

POLI 343 Administrative Law and Politics

POLI 345 Congress and the Presidency

POLI 346 Policy Analysis

POLI 348 Environmental Politics

POLI 353 United States Foreign Policy

POLI 389 Special Topics

POLI 489 Special Topics

Total Credits Required: 24

*Trial Advocacy and Mock Trial may be repeated for credit toward general course credits, but may not be repeated for credit toward the major, minors, or the American Politics concentration. GEOG 231 is a 2-credit course, so students need to take an additional 2-credit course to ensure they meet the 16-credit requirement.