Geology students reviewing a topographical map. background

Course Catalog

Music liberal arts major - Pre-music therapy concentration


MUSI 170 Music Theory 1

MUSI 171Music Theory 2

MUSI 270Music Theory 3

MUSI 271Music Theory 4

MUSI 272Music Theory and Performance

MUSI 371Survey of Western Music 1

MUSI 372Survey of Western Music 2

MUSI 381Introduction to Conducting

MUSI 494Internship

PSYC 100Introductory Psychological Science

One of the following courses:

MUSI 150Survey of World Musics

MUSI 176Music Appreciation

MUSI 184History of American Popular Music

MUSI 315Introduction to Opera

MUSI 318Evolution of Jazz

HUMA 100Introduction to the Humanities Through the Fine Arts

Three of the following courses:

BIOL 105Human Biology and Society

BIOL 120Introduction to Cell and Molecular Biology

BIOL 216Human Anatomy and Physiology 1

BIOL 217Human Anatomy and Physiology 2

EDUC 317General Music Methods

MUSI 033World Music Ensemble

MUSI 100Group Guitar

MUSI 102Group Voice

MUSI 150Survey of World Musics

PSYC 212Adult Psychopathology

PSYC 220Lifespan Human Development

Total Credits Required: 42

In addition to the above courses, six principal ensemble courses and four semesters of applied music (2 credits each) must be completed.