Geology students reviewing a topographical map. background

Course Catalog

Majors and Minors

Major Minor

Geography courses

This course addresses the spatial dimensions of our planet, including energy transfer, air, water, weather and climate, landforms, vegetation, and soils. Understanding the interrelationships between these systems – and of human interaction with them – is key to forming an integrated understanding of the physical landscape and its significance to humankind. The course addresses issues of the environment and of natural hazards, and includes a substantial laboratory component. Infrequently offered.

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This course introduces geographic themes and critical issues of relevance in our global society and will enhance awareness and appreciation of other peoples and places. Through this regional survey of lands and life, students grasp the differences and commonalities among the world’s physical and human landscapes, learn how they impact life in these regions, and gain an understanding of the connections to our own lives. Regional profiles include the analysis of varied issues of the physical environment, population distributions, cultural landscapes, and select historical, political and economic issues, primarily via the spatial point of view. This regional approach consistently emphasizes map work.

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This course provides an introductory survey of geographic themes and concepts of social and cultural relevance in our fast-changing world, with a particular emphasis on the United States. The course offers an opportunity to raise understanding of and appreciation for geographic realities in the lives of others – as well as in our own daily existence. Topics include population dynamics, migration, ethnicity, gender, language, religion, urbanization and the political landscape. Geographic/spatial aspects of these issues are examined on a variety of scales in diverse locales. Map work is emphasized.

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This course introduces basic tools and skills of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in a hands-on setting with emphasis on applications for the social sciences and humanities. GIS has revolutionized the ways in which we can question, interpret and visualize data across a wide range of disciplines. Students are introduced to the spatial thinking upon which GIS is built and how to apply this knowledge to real-world, interdisciplinary scenarios – of value in many fields and careers, including public service, business and education. Fall semester.

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This lecture/lab course introduces the basic theory, tools and skills of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in a hands-on computer-lab setting. GIS integrates hardware, software and data to capture, manage, analyze and display all forms of spatially referenced information. GIS has revolutionized the ways in which we can question, interpret and visualize data across a wide range of disciplines. Students are introduced to the spatial thinking upon which GIS is built and apply this knowledge to real-world, interdisciplinary scenarios. The course will build students’ ability to understand, visualize, analyze and solve geographic problems.

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This course provides an overview of the geographic diversity of population in the United States. Ethnic groups such as Mexican, Puerto Rican, Chinese, Asian Indian, Iranian, and others will be included in our discussions of the country’s ethnic complexity. Examples from text and outside readings, online sources, and film of several ethnic groups will be examined from various places and regions. NOTE: This course is offered in a hybrid format (both online and face-to-face class meetings).

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This course focuses on the development of the present global urban system primarily, but not exclusively, from a geographic perspective. Topics include the origins and evolution of cities in both the developed and developing world (with special attention to U.S. urban growth); aspects and models of the internal structure of cities; and the recent growth of the “world cities” (those power centers that dominate the global economy) and of the developing world’s fast-growing megacities. Both the enduring promise and persistent problems of urbanization are addressed. The functions and meanings of cities and urban change are explored from various cultural perspectives.

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Examination of selected topics of interest to faculty and students, such as demographics, political geography, maps and map-making, advanced Geographic Information Systems, cultural landscapes, in-depth regional analysis or other topics.

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