Geology students reviewing a topographical map. background

Course Catalog

Classical, medieval and Renaissance studies minor

One of the following courses:

HIST / CLAS 326 The History of Ancient Greece

HIST / CLAS 328 The History of Ancient Rome

HIST/CLAS 329 The History of Medieval Europe

HIST/CLAS 331 History of the Byzantine Empire

One of the following courses:

CLAS / PHIL 207 Greek Philosophy

PHIL 213 Medieval Philosophy

CLAS / THRS 327 Ancient Wisdom and the Modern Search for Meaning

CLAS / PHIL 334 Tragedy and Philosophy

THRS 314 The Origins of Biblical Monotheism

One of the following courses:

CLAS / WOLT 325 Classical Mythology

ENGL 321 Dante: The Divine Comedy

ENGL 322 Medieval Literature

ENGL 325 Chaucer

ENGL 334 Milton

ENGL 339 Shakespeare

Three of the following courses:

CLAS 201 Medical and Legal Terminology from Greek and Latin

CLAS 201 Medical and Legal Terminology from Greek and Latin

CLAS / GREK 111 Elementary Greek 1

CLAS / GREK 112 Elementary Greek 2

CLAS / LATN 101 Elementary Latin

CLAS / LATN 102 Intermediate Latin

CLAS / LATN 204 Advanced Reading in Latin

PHIL 322 Aquinas’ Philosophy and Theology

THRS 329 The New Testament

THRS 329 The New Testament

Total Credits Required: 28

Reminder: Any of the courses listed in the History, Thought or Literature content areas may serve as electives. Any introductory or advanced courses in Greek, Latin or Hebrew language may also serve as electives (e.g., CLAS/LATN 101 or CLAS/LATN 102 or CLAS/LATN 204, CLAS 105, CLAS/GREK 111 or CLAS/GREK 112, HEBR 101 or HEBR 102).