• BIOL 120 Introduction to Cell and Molecular Biology
• BIOL 121 Introduction to Organismal Biology
• CHEM 105 General Chemistry 1
• CHEM 107 General Chemistry 2
Any six biology (BIOL) electives numbered 200 or above. Five of the biology electives must be from the following (may include only one of BIOL 490 Independent Study, BIOL 492 Directed Research, BIOL 494 Internship or BIOL 496 Research and Thesis). The sixth course may be any biology elective (200 level or above)
• BIOL 220 Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy
• BIOL 320 Human Anatomy and Histology
• BIOL 325 Developmental Biology
• BIOL 360 Medical Microbiology
• BIOL 371 Cellular Physiology
• BIOL 372 Systemic Physiology
• BIOL 375 The Biology of the Cancer Cell
• BIOL 496 Research and Thesis
Total Credits Required: 20, plus 36 credit concentration