Program Listing from Banner

Art (Printmaking), Bachelor of Arts Art Undergraduate
Art (Painting), Bachelor of Arts Art Undergraduate
Art (Drawing), Bachelor of Arts Art Undergraduate
Art (Photography), Bachelor of Arts Art Undergraduate
Art (Graphic Design), Bachelor of Arts Art Undergraduate
Art (Ceramics), Bachelor of Arts Art Undergraduate
Art (Ceramics), Bachelor of Fine Arts Art Undergraduate
Art (Drawing), Bachelor of Fine Arts Art Undergraduate
Art (Photography), Bachelor of Fine Arts Art Undergraduate
Art (Printmaking), Bachelor of Fine Arts Art Undergraduate
Art (Painting), Bachelor of Fine Arts Art Undergraduate
Art (Graphic Design), Bachelor of Fine Arts Art Undergraduate
Athletic Administration, Certificate ATA Graduate
Biology (General), Bachelor of Arts Biology Undergraduate
Biology (Natural History), Bachelor of Arts Biology Undergraduate
Biology (Ecology Environmental BY), Bachelor of Science Biology Undergraduate
Biology (Cellular and Molecular Biology), Bachelor of Science Biology Undergraduate
Biology (Pre-Health Prof Biology), Bachelor of Science Biology Undergraduate
Biology (Organismal Biology), Bachelor of Science Biology Undergraduate
Biology (Marine Biology), Bachelor of Science Biology Undergraduate
Biology, Master of Science Biology Graduate
Computer Information Systems (General), Bachelor of Science Computer Information Systems Undergraduate
Computer Information Systems (Web Technologies & Development), Bachelor of Science Computer Information Systems Undergraduate
Computer Information Systems (Info Security & Assurance), Bachelor of Science Computer Information Systems Undergraduate
Computer Information Systems, Certificate Computer Information Systems Undergraduate
Criminal Justice (Law Enforcement), Bachelor of Science Criminal Justice Undergraduate
Criminal Justice (Forensic Investigation), Bachelor of Science Criminal Justice Undergraduate
Criminal Justice (Corrections), Bachelor of Science Criminal Justice Undergraduate
Criminal Justice, Master of Science Criminal Justice Graduate
Computer Science (Game Development), Bachelor of Science Computer Science Undergraduate
Computer Science (General), Bachelor of Science Computer Science Undergraduate
Computer Science (Info Security & Assurance), Bachelor of Science Computer Science Undergraduate
Computer Science, Certificate Computer Science Undergraduate
Computer Science (General), Master of Science Computer Science Graduate
Computer Science, Master of Science Computer Science Graduate
Computer Science (High Perform & Scientific Comp), Master of Science Computer Science Graduate
Computer Science (Info Security & Assurance), Master of Science Computer Science Graduate
Computer Science (Web Technologies & Development), Master of Science Computer Science Graduate
Chemistry (Bio Chemistry), Bachelor of Science Chemistry Undergraduate
Chemistry (Chemistry), Bachelor of Science Chemistry Undergraduate
Chemistry (Environmental Chemistry), Bachelor of Science Chemistry Undergraduate
Chemistry (Professional Chemistry), Bachelor of Science Chemistry Undergraduate
Chemistry (General), Bachelor of Science Chemistry Undergraduate
Drama (Design), Bachelor of Arts Drama Undergraduate
Drama (Performance), Bachelor of Arts Drama Undergraduate
English, Bachelor of Arts English Undergraduate
English, Master of Arts English Graduate
Emergency Management, Bachelor of Science Emergency Management Undergraduate
Emergency Management, Certificate Emergency Management Graduate
Emergency Management, Doctor of Science Emergency Management Graduate
Emergency Management, Master of Science Emergency Management Graduate
Environmental Science, Certificate Environmental Science Graduate
Foreign Language (French), Bachelor of Arts Foreign Language Undergraduate
Foreign Language (Spanish), Bachelor of Arts Foreign Language Undergraduate
Geographic Information Systems, Certificate Geographic Information Systems Graduate
Geography (Geography Techniques), Bachelor of Science Geography Undergraduate
Geography (General), Bachelor of Science Geography Undergraduate
Geography (Geoarchaeology), Bachelor of Science Geography Undergraduate
Geography (Geoarchaeology), Bachelor of Science Geography Undergraduate
Geography (General), Bachelor of Science Geography Undergraduate
Geography, Bachelor of Science Geography Undergraduate
Geography (Geography Techniques), Bachelor of Science Geography Undergraduate
History, Bachelor of Arts History Undergraduate
History, Master of Arts History Graduate
Liberal Studies, Bachelor of Arts LIS Undergraduate
Liberal Studies, Master of Arts LIS Graduate
Mathematics (Applied), Bachelor of Science MS Undergraduate
Mathematics (Theoretical), Bachelor of Science MS Undergraduate
Mathematics (General), Bachelor of Science MS Undergraduate
Mathematics, Master of Science MS Graduate
Music (Education - Instrumental), Bachelor of Arts MU Undergraduate
Music (General), Bachelor of Arts MU Undergraduate
Music (Education - Vocal), Bachelor of Arts MU Undergraduate
Music (Education - Instrumental), Master of Arts MU Graduate
Music (General), Master of Arts MU Graduate
Music (Education - Instrumental), Master of Arts MU Graduate
Music (Education - Vocal), Master of Arts MU Graduate
Music (Education - Vocal), Master of Arts MU Graduate
Music (Education - Instrumental), Bachelor of Arts MU Undergraduate
Music (Education - Vocal), Bachelor of Arts MU Undergraduate
Music (Education - Instrumental), Master of Arts MU Graduate
Music (Education - Vocal), Master of Arts MU Graduate
Public Administration (Business Administration), Master of Public Adm PA Graduate
Public Administration (Criminal Justice), Master of Public Adm PA Graduate
Public Administration (Emergency Management), Master of Public Adm PA Graduate
Public Administration (Environmental Science), Master of Public Adm PA Graduate
Public Administration (Spatial Analysis and Mgmt), Master of Public Adm PA Graduate
Public Administration (Education), Master of Public Adm PA Graduate
Public Administration (Athletic Administration), Master of Public Adm PA Graduate
Public Administration (Geographic Information Systems), Master of Public Adm PA Graduate
Public Administration (Sport Management), Master of Public Adm PA Graduate
Public Administration (Administrative Management), Master of Public Adm PA Graduate
Public Administration (Political Science), Master of Public Adm PA Graduate
Political Science, Bachelor of Arts PSC Undergraduate
Psychology, Bachelor of Arts PSY Undergraduate
Psychology, Bachelor of Science PSY Undergraduate
Psychology, Master of Science PSY Graduate
Systems & Software (General), Master of Science SSD Graduate
Systems & Software (Info Security & Assurance), Master of Science SSD Graduate
Systems & Software (Visualization & Image Process), Master of Science SSD Graduate
Systems & Software (Web Technologies & Development), Master of Science SSD Graduate
Systems & Software (High Perform & Scientific Comp), Master of Science SSD Graduate
Social Work, Bachelor of Social Work SW Undergraduate
Sociology, Bachelor of Arts SY Undergraduate
Sociology, Bachelor of Science SY Undergraduate
Visual Comm Graphic Design, Master of Fine Arts VCG Graduate
Accounting, Bachelor of Science ACC Undergraduate
Business Economics, Bachelor of Science BEC Undergraduate
Business Administration (Accounting), Master of Business Admin BUS Graduate
Business Administration (General), Master of Business Admin BUS Graduate
Undecided-Management, Bachelor of Science CBA Undergraduate
Economics, Bachelor of Arts EC Undergraduate
Economics (The Legal Environment), Bachelor of Arts EC Undergraduate
Economics (International Business), Bachelor of Arts EC Undergraduate
Finance, Bachelor of Science FIN Undergraduate
Information Mgmt E-commerce, Bachelor of Science IME Undergraduate
Management, Bachelor of Science MGT Undergraduate
Management, Bachelor of Science MGT Undergraduate
Management (Information Mgmt E-commerce), Bachelor of Science MGT Undergraduate
Management (Human Resource Management), Bachelor of Science MGT Undergraduate
Marketing, Bachelor of Science MKT Undergraduate
Applied Electronic Engineering, Bachelor of Science AEE Undergraduate
Applied Manufacturing Engineer (Design and Automation), Bachelor of Science AME Undergraduate
Applied Manufacturing Engineer (Manufacturing Management), Bachelor of Science AME Undergraduate
Business Marketing Education, Bach of Science in Education BME Undergraduate
Business Marketing Education, Master of Science in Education BME Graduate
Business Marketing Education, Master of Science in Education BME Graduate
Business Marketing Education, Master of Science in Education BME Graduate
Business Marketing Education, Master of Science in Education BME Graduate
Business Marketing Education, Bach of Science in Education BME Undergraduate
Biology (General Science), Bach of Science in Education Biology Undergraduate
Biology, Bach of Science in Education Biology Undergraduate
Biology, Master of Science in Education Biology Graduate
Biology, Master of Science in Education Biology Graduate
Biology, Master of Science in Education Biology Graduate
Biology, Master of Science in Education Biology Graduate
Biology, Bach of Science in Education Biology Undergraduate
Biology (General Science), Bach of Science in Education Biology Undergraduate
Counselor Education (School Counseling Education), Educational Specialist CE Graduate
Counselor Education (Clinical Mental Hlth Counsel), Educational Specialist CE Graduate
Counselor Education (School Counseling Ed Non Cert), Master of Science CE Graduate
Counselor Education (School Counseling Ed Cert), Master of Science CE Graduate
Counselor Education (Clinical Mental Hlth Counsel), Master of Science CE Graduate
Collaborative Educ K-6, 6-12, Bach of Science in Education CLD Undergraduate
Collaborative Educ K-6, 6-12, Master of Science in Education CLD Graduate
Collaborative Educ K-6, 6-12, Master of Science in Education CLD Graduate
Collaborative Educ K-6, 6-12, Master of Science in Education CLD Graduate
Collaborative Educ K-6, 6-12, Master of Science in Education CLD Graduate
Collaborative Educ K-6, 6-12, Bach of Science in Education CLD Undergraduate
Collaborative Ed Elementary, Master of Science in Education CLE Graduate
Collaborative Ed Elementary, Master of Science in Education CLE Graduate
Collaborative Ed Elementary, Master of Science in Education CLE Graduate
Collaborative Ed Elementary, Master of Science in Education CLE Graduate
Collaborative Ed Secondary, Master of Science in Education CLS Graduate
Collaborative Ed Secondary, Master of Science in Education CLS Graduate
Communication (Broadcast), Bachelor of Arts COM Undergraduate
Communication (Digital Journalism), Bachelor of Arts COM Undergraduate
Communication (Print Journalism), Bachelor of Arts COM Undergraduate
Communication (Public Relations), Bachelor of Arts COM Undergraduate
Early Childhood Education, Master of Science in Education ECE Graduate
Early Childhood Education, Master of Science in Education ECE Graduate
Early Childhood Education, Master of Science in Education ECE Graduate
Early Childhood Education, Master of Science in Education ECE Graduate
Early Childhood Education, Master of Science in Education ECE Graduate
Elementary Ed Collaborative, Bach of Science in Education ECK Undergraduate
Elementary Ed Collaborative, Bach of Science in Education ECK Undergraduate
Early Childhood Elementary Ed, Bach of Science in Education ECP Undergraduate
Early Childhood Elementary Ed, Bach of Science in Education ECP Undergraduate
Education (School Counseling Education), Educational Specialist ED Graduate
Education (Teacher Leader), Educational Specialist ED Graduate
Education (Library Media), Educational Specialist ED Graduate
Education (Physical Education), Educational Specialist ED Graduate
Education (Community Agency Counseling), Educational Specialist ED Graduate
Elementary Education, Master of Science in Education EED Graduate
Elementary Education, Master of Science in Education EED Graduate
Elementary Education, Master of Science in Education EED Graduate
Elementary Education, Master of Science in Education EED Graduate
Pre-Engineering, Bach of Science in Education EGR Undergraduate
English (English Language Arts), Bach of Science in Education English Undergraduate
English (English Language Arts), Bach of Science in Education English Undergraduate
Educational Leadership, Educational Specialist EL Graduate
English Language Arts, Master of Science in Education ELA Graduate
English Language Arts, Master of Science in Education ELA Graduate
English Language Arts, Master of Science in Education ELA Graduate
English Language Arts, Master of Science in Education ELA Graduate
Exercise Science/Wellness (Clinical), Bachelor of Science ESW Undergraduate
Exercise Science/Wellness (Human Performance), Bachelor of Science ESW Undergraduate
Exercise Science/Wellness (Clinical), Bachelor of Science ESW Undergraduate
Exercise Science/Wellness (Human Performance), Bachelor of Science ESW Undergraduate
Family and Consumer Sciences (Hospitality and Culinary Mgmt), Bachelor of Science FCS Undergraduate
Family and Consumer Sciences (Human Sciences), Bachelor of Science FCS Undergraduate
Family and Consumer Sciences (Merchandising), Bachelor of Science FCS Undergraduate
Family and Consumer Sciences (Dietetics), Bachelor of Science FCS Undergraduate
Family and Consumer Sciences (Child Development), Bachelor of Science FCS Undergraduate
Family and Consumer Sciences, Bach of Science in Education FCS Undergraduate
Family and Consumer Sciences, Master of Science in Education FCS Graduate
Family and Consumer Sciences, Master of Science in Education FCS Graduate
Family and Consumer Sciences, Master of Science in Education FCS Graduate
Family and Consumer Sciences, Master of Science in Education FCS Graduate
Family and Consumer Sciences, Bach of Science in Education FCS Undergraduate
General Science, Master of Science in Education GS Graduate
General Science, Master of Science in Education GS Graduate
General Science, Master of Science in Education GS Graduate
General Science, Master of Science in Education GS Graduate
History (Social Science), Bach of Science in Education History Undergraduate
History, Bach of Science in Education History Undergraduate
History, Master of Science in Education History Graduate
History, Master of Science in Education History Graduate
History, Master of Science in Education History Graduate
History, Master of Science in Education History Graduate
History (Social Science), Bach of Science in Education History Undergraduate
History, Bach of Science in Education History Undergraduate
Educational Leadership, Certificate IL Graduate
Educational Leadership, Master of Science in Education IL Graduate
Instructional Leadership, Certificate ILD Graduate
Instructional Leadership, Certificate ILS Graduate
Instructional Leadership, Educational Specialist ILS Graduate
Instructional Leadership, Master of Science in Education ILS Graduate
Industrial Leadership, Bachelor of Science INL Undergraduate
Library Media, Certificate LM Graduate
Library Media, Master of Science in Education LM Graduate
Manufacturing Systems Tech, Master of Science MFG Graduate
Mathematics, Bach of Science in Education MS Undergraduate
Mathematics, Master of Science in Education MS Graduate
Mathematics, Master of Science in Education MS Graduate
Mathematics, Master of Science in Education MS Graduate
Mathematics, Master of Science in Education MS Graduate
Mathematics, Bach of Science in Education MS Undergraduate
Music (Education - Vocal), Master of Arts MU Graduate
Music (Education - Instrumental), Master of Arts MU Graduate
Occupation Safety & Hlth Mgmt, Bachelor of Science OSM Undergraduate
Outdoor Education, Certificate OUT Undergraduate
Physical Education, Bach of Science in Education PE Undergraduate
Physical Education, Master of Science in Education PE Graduate
Physical Education, Master of Science in Education PE Graduate
Physical Education (Human Performance), Master of Science in Education PE Graduate
Physical Education (Nutrition), Master of Science in Education PE Graduate
Physical Education, Master of Science in Education PE Graduate
Physical Education, Master of Science in Education PE Graduate
Physical Education, Master of Science in Education PE Graduate
Physical Education, Bach of Science in Education PE Undergraduate
Reading Specialist, Certificate RDG Graduate
Reading Specialist, Master of Science in Education RDG Graduate
Recreation Leadership, Bachelor of Science REC Undergraduate
School Counseling Education, Certificate SCO Graduate
Spanish, Bach of Science in Education SH Undergraduate
Spanish, Bach of Science in Education SH Undergraduate
Sport Management, Certificate SM Graduate
Sport Management, Master of Science SM Graduate
Sport Management, Master of Science SM Graduate
Social Science, Master of Science in Education SS Graduate
Social Science, Master of Science in Education SS Graduate
Social Science, Master of Science in Education SS Graduate
Social Science, Master of Science in Education SS Graduate
Undecided, Bach of Science in Education UND Undergraduate
Youth Development, Certificate YTH Undergraduate
Transient, Non Applicable TRA Undergraduate
Undecided, Bachelor of Arts UND Undergraduate
Community Health Nursing, Certificate CHN Graduate
Community Health Nursing (Nursing Education/Educator), Master of Science in Nursing CHN Graduate
Community Health Nursing, Master of Science in Nursing CHN Graduate
Community Health Nursing (Emergency Management), Master of Science in Nursing CHN Graduate
Nursing Education/Educator, Certificate CNE Graduate
Nursing_Undecided, Bachelor of Science in Nursing CNU Undergraduate
Emer Preparedness Nursing Coor, Certificate EPN Graduate
Nursing, Bachelor of Science in Nursing NU Undergraduate
Nursing, Bachelor of Science in Nursing NU Undergraduate

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