Geology students reviewing a topographical map. background

Course Catalog

Studio art major

ART 110 History of Western Art

ART 130 Introduction to Design

ART 131 Introduction to Studio Art

ART 134 Basic Drawing

ART 230 Beginning Printmaking

ART 240 Introductory Painting

ART 480 Advanced Studio

ART 499 Senior Art Capstone (required for all majors)

Three of the following courses:

ART 303 Illustration

ART 324 Intermediate Sculpture

ART 330 Intermediate Printmaking

ART 340 Intermediate Painting

ART 235 Computer Graphics

ART 424 Advanced Sculpture

ART 425 Pottery and Functional Forms

ART 430 Advanced Printmaking

ART 440 Advanced Painting

ART 460 Digital Studio

Total Credits Required: 54

Art majors will complete a required portfolio review during sophomore year. Majors must also submit an exhibition proposal for approval before registering for ART 499.