Geology students reviewing a topographical map. background

Course Catalog

Arts management certificate

LEAD 210 Leadership in the Arts

One of the following courses:

ART 494 Internship

ISHP 494 Academic Internship Seminar

MUSI 490 Internship

THEA 494 Internship

One of the following courses:

ART 110 History of Western Art

ART 130 Introduction to Design

ART 131 Introduction to Studio Art

ART 134 Basic Drawing

ART 285 Art in a Democratic Society

ART 330 Intermediate Printmaking

MUSI 150 Survey of World Musics

MUSI 176 Music Appreciation

MUSI 195 Music Entrepreneurship

MUSI 315 Introduction to Opera

MUSI 318 Evolution of Jazz

THEA 101 Introduction to Live Performance

THEA 105 Introduction to Creativity

THEA 232 Basic Acting

THEA 250 Performance and Production Lab

THEA 301 Technical Theatre

One of the following courses:

DATA 101 Data Analytics and Info Systems

BUAD 230 Ethical Leadership

BUAD 215 Entrepreneurship

BUAD 232 Introduction to Human Resource Management

BUAD 270 Marketing Concepts and Issues

COME 122 Interpersonal Communication

COME 252 Writing for Media

COME 322 Business and Professional Speaking

COME 326 Organizational Communication

Total Credits Required: 14