2020-21 Programs
Oct. 6, 2020 |
“St. Augustine Goes to SNC” View recording (lecture only without Q&A). Check back for complete recording in the near future. |
Feb. 23, 2021
St. Augustine Lecture: Jennifer Hockenbery, Ph.D.
This lecture is co-sponsored by the Killeen Chair of Philosophy and Theology. |
Apr. 13, 2021
Book Discussion: Jennifer Hockenbery, Ph.D. Sixteen-hundred years ago, Augustine begged his African congregants to think rationally, pay attention to evidence, and listen to their neighbors. He knew this would not be easy. He knew that human error is more common than human knowledge. He himself had been a member of an elitist cult for nearly ten years and then had spent several years as a skeptic resigned to seeking wealth and honors rather than hoping for truth or goodness. He would not be surprised by the rise of white supremacist cults or the nihilistic apathy that have arisen in the "post truth" era. He had seen nativism, elitism, fear, and doubt rise in response to a crisis of hope that truth could be found, a crisis that led to the use of physical force rather than educated disputation, a crisis that ended in the fall of both Rome and Carthage to Vandals and Visigoths. Augustine's response was to preach publically the hope that encouraged him in his own personal quest for a happy life. This book examines that hope in Augustine's context until the current moment. Books are available for purchase through the St. Norbert College Bookstore. If you prefer to order the book online please click on the link: Wisdom's Friendly Heart: Augustinian Hope for Skeptics and Conspiracy Theorists by Jennifer Hockenbery |
Apr. 27, 2021
Global Book Discussion: This panel-based global book discussion is free and open to the public, but it does require advanced registration in order to provide the Zoom link to virtual attendees. Rev. Andrew Ciferni, O. Praem., S.T.L., Ph.D. Rev. Ambrose Criste, O. Praem., S.T.L. William Hyland, Ph.D. Carol Neel, Ph.D. The discussion will be moderated by Michael Holstead, Ph.D., Adjunct Assistant Professor of Classics and Norbertine Studies and Interim Director of the Center for Norbertine Studies and at St. Norbert College. Jacob Panhausen stands as a major but little-studied figure in the renewal of the Premonstratensian Order during the crucial decades of the sixteenth century when the very survival of religious life hung in the balance. His career (1540–1582) as abbot of Steinfeld in Germany spanned the whole era of the Council of Trent and its aftermath, and he died the same year that Saint Norbert was officially canonized. This volume presents the first English translation of two Latin texts by Jacob Panhausen, A Loving Exhortation to Prelates and Those in Their Charge and Treatise on Monastic Life and Religious Vows. The introduction offers a biographical and analytical overview of this outstanding Norbertine reformer, illuminating a crucial time in the renewal of the Premonstratensian Order during and after the Council of Trent. Intended as they were for his confreres at Steinfeld and other abbeys, they show his zeal for reform, his dedication to the monastic tradition, and his humanistic and exegetical concerns. The book being discussed is available for purchase through the St. Norbert College Bookstore. If you prefer to order the book online please click on the link: Jacob Panhausen: Two Sixteenth-Century Premonstratensian Treatises on Religious Life by Dr. William Hyland. It is not necessary to have read the book to participate. Much information will be shared through listening to the four panelists discuss the book, historical references, and what is happening with the Norbertine Order today! |
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