2008-09 Programs
Date | Event |
March 3, 2009 | “Quod per hominem discendum est: Reading the Bible with St. Augustine” Paul Wadell Professor of Religious Studies St. Norbert College |
Feb. 5, 2009 | “Why is the Phrase: Docere verbo et exemplo the SNC Motto? What Does It Have to Do With Out Campus Life Today?” William Hyland Director, Center for Norbertine Studies St. Norbert College |
Oct. 7, 2008 | “Abbot Bernard H. Pennings (1961-1955) – Revealing the Man Behind the Image” Jean van Stratum, Ph.D. |
Sept. 3, 2008 | “Faith, Reason and Science: the Norbertine Heritage”
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Email: cns@snc.edu
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Center for Norbertine Studies
c/o College Advancement
St. Norbert College
100 Grant St.
De Pere, WI 54115-2099
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