“St. Augustine Goes to SNC”
Tuesday, Oct. 6,
Old St. Joe's and Virtual Event
St. Norbert College
View recording (lecture only without Q&A). Check back for complete recording in the near future.
Andrew D. Ciferni, O. Praem., B.A., S.T.L,. Ph.D.
Rev. Ciferni is a member of the Norbertine community at Daylesford Abbey in Paoli, Pa where he serves many roles: Canonry Liturgist, Director of Formation, Master of Professed, Vocation Director, Spirituality Center Programs, and Jubilarian He has a Ph.D. in Liturgical Studies from the University of Notre Dame, and received an honorary doctorate from St. Norbert College in October 2002 when he was the Heidgen Chair lecturer. Rev. Ciferni is currently the chair of Board of Trustees of St. Norbert College. Prior to this role, he served the college as director of the Center for Norbertine Studies and was an adjunct member of theology and religious studies faculty. Previously, he was an assistant professor of homiletics and liturgy at the Catholic University of America (1987-91) and professor of liturgy at the Washington Theological Union (1991-97), where he was also the academic dean (1995-97). He also served as an advisor to the USCCB Committee on Liturgy and is a member of the editorial board for the book series Premonstratensian Texts and Studies.
About the Lecture
Augustine of Hippo (354 - 430) ranks among the greatest minds in Christian thought and spirituality. He was both a student at Carthage, North Africa and a teacher in Italy (Rome and Milan). What he learned from those experiences may well be reflected in the Rule he wrote for his north African communities, the Rule Norbertines strive to follow in their community life.
This presentation will propose some ways in which this Rule can be a guide toward a life at SNC more in accord with our mission.
The lecture and time for questions and answers will follow the presentation of the Founder's Awards. The Founder’s Award at St. Norbert College is given to employees and students of the college in recognition of their contributions to the Norbertine spirit and tradition on campus.
6:15 p.m. Live Music
6:30 p.m. Presentation of Founder's Awards
7:00 p.m. Lecture
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