For Large Spills Over 5 gallons or Spills and Releases to the Environment.
- Prohibited Sewer Discharges
- All Emergencies including Leaks, Spills and Releases to the Environment (CHP 5.1.1)
Large Spills - over 4 L or 5 Gallons (contained inside building - no drains)
All Emergencies call 911 and state the type of emergency.
Provide as much detailed information as possible (e.g., location, type, amount, or volume)
Spill of hazardous substance (Flammable, Corrosive) spills over 4 L or 5 Gallons
Cylinder leak releasing fumes and vapors
Large spill of substance that is not contained and is threatening the water supply
Natural gas leak, fumes, vapors
Steps to take after calling emergency services at 911 (CHP 5.1.2)
1. Persons must be evacuated from the affected area at once!
2. Close doors to seal off the contaminated area to prevent further contamination.
3. Persons who may have been contaminated should seek medical attention immediately.
4. Call Director of Campus Safety – Jim Vickman – 920.403.1346
5. Call Interim Director of Facilities – Lachelle Lackey – 920.403.1325
6. Call Chemical Hygiene Officer - Mark Musser 920.403.4019 (office)
Small leak or spill
Small leak or spill less than 3.785 L or 1 Gallon (contained inside building – no drains) (CHP 5.1.3)
1. Alert your instructor immediately! And your lab partner!
2. Ask for assistance if you are not experienced in small spill cleanup. (Using gloves and paper towels for spills under 50 ml)
Small spills on workstations on the floor must be cleaned up immediately – to prevent exposure to others. Absorbent materials are located in each fume hood in the General Chemistry laboratories and in the chemical stockroom.
A Spill Control Kit with absorbent material is located in each laboratory by the emergency eyewash and shower station.
3. Always use the goggles and gloves provided in the spill kits (or your own goggles and gloves located in the classroom).
4. Report the spill and any items used during clean-up to CHO Mark Musser at 920.403.4019 (24/7)
Medium leak or spill
Medium leak or spill less than 19 L or 5 Gallons (contained inside building – no drains) (CHP 5.1.4)
1. Medium spills should be cleaned up immediately. The room may have to be evacuated depending on the characteristics of the chemical spilled, and the area where the chemical is spilled.
2. Always use the goggles and gloves provided in the spill kits.
3. Always use the goggles and gloves provided in the spill kits (or your own goggles and gloves located in the classroom).
4. Report the spill and any items used during clean-up to CHO Mark Musser at 920.403.4019 (24/7)