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Retreat Opportunities

Retreats for 2024-25 are still being finalized. Take a look below to see what we have offered in the past...


Prayer on the Prairie: an Eco-Spirituality Retreat

A unique retreat opportunity in collaboration with Lawrence University for students with a deep commitment to nurturing their own spirituality in relation to caring for the world. 

FYRE: a First Year Retreat Experience

We invite all First Year students into a unique experience of community and welcoming as you begin your journey at St. Norbert College. FYRE is a one-night retreat off-campus filled with fun, team-building activities, the chance to listen and respond to the stories of others, prayer opportunities, and time for individual reflection. Rooted in our Catholic, Norbertine heritage, this retreat experience is open to all students of any faith or spiritual tradition or no particular tradition. 

Advent Busy Person's Retreat

Throughout the weeks leading up to finals, the Emmaus Center posts stories with a chance for you to engage in a short meditation, reflection, or opportunity to think more deeply about your spirituality of authenticity during this busy time in your life.

A Day of Quiet: Silent Retreat

A silent retreat is a time for you to get away and pause for a weekend in a beautiful setting that is filled with natural wonders water and woods. 

Caritas: a Catholic Spirituality Retreat

Caritas is a retreat experience rooted in Catholic social teaching and spirituality. Students will ground themselves in the Word and consider, through prayer and encounter, the ways the Gospel calls them to care for the poor and vulnerable and challenge their understanding of what it means to be part of the Body of Christ. This retreat experience is open to all students of any faith or spiritual background. 

Holy Week Illuminated: See, Listen, Pause & Pray with The Saint John's Bible

Utilizing the flex space in the Mulva Library, the Emmaus Center is creating a gallery space featuring illuminations from each of the seven volumes of The Saint John’s Bible. Come pause, look, pray, and reflect in preparation for the joys of Easter. The goal of this program is to create a sacred space of contemplation and rest for the SNC community in alignment with Holy Week and the Easter Triduum.


For more information about any of these retreat opportunities, please contact the Campus Ministry at 920-403-3155 or campusministry@snc.edu.

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