2016 Green Bay Packers Training Camp at St. Norbert College
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From St. Norbert College, July 14, 2016
by Mike Counter, mike.counter@snc.edu, 920-403-3089
The Green Bay Packers will move into St. Norbert College's Victor McCormick Hall on Sunday, July 24, with the first practice scheduled for Tuesday, July 26.
The college doesn't host any on-field activities, but it does serve as the team base for all living arrangements, transportation and meals, including dinner and snack.
The Packers have held their summer training camp at St. Norbert College for 59 years, the longest such relationship between a pro football team and a college in the NFL.
For a complete rundown of the Packers practice schedule and more go to http://www.packers.com/news-and-events/training-camp/st-norbert-college.html.
St. Norbert College Packers Training Camp History
Then-president of the Packers, Russ Bogda, and then-head coach Lisle Blackbourn first approached St. Norbert College in the spring of 1957. At the time, the Packers were headquartering at UW-Stevens Point. In the summer of 1958, Coach Scooter McLean and his staff brought the Packers to the St. Norbert campus' Frank J. Sensenbrenner Residence Hall, to various classrooms for training sessions, and to the dining facilities on the river bank. Over the 58 years, the string of successive summers at St. Norbert College has NEVER been broken.
In 1959, newly appointed head Coach Vincent Lombardi confirmed the summer camp location and formed a friendship with father Dennis Burke, O. Praem. Succeeding coaches and Packer Presidents over the years have found the facilities to their liking.