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What’s For Me?

We at St. Norbert College are committed to the spiritual development of all our students. We actively seek to provide places where students can explore life’s big questions, grow in religious understanding and deepen their faith commitments. See if one or more of the descriptors below sounds like you.

“I chose St. Norbert College because it’s Catholic … how can I deepen and practice my faith while on campus?” 
  • Go to church – St. Norbert College Parish is conveniently located right on campus! You can choose to get involved in a variety of ways.
  • Attend a retreat. Offerings vary each semester. Check out what we have coming up!
  • Apply to become a catechist

“I live out my faith or values through service and working for justice.”

“I like hearing what my peers think about a variety of spiritual and religious topics.”

  • Attend an Encounter program in your residence hall – talk with your peers about topics ranging from friendship to suffering to the ways we image God.
  • Go on a retreat.
  • Consider the Navigate program where students discuss ways they are called in the world.

“I’m not Catholic and my faith matters to me.”

  • Know that the Encounter programs and other Campus Ministry events are aimed at students from a variety of faith backgrounds.
  • Our Protestant Minister develops worship and discussion opportunities to meet the needs of students from diverse Christian backgrounds. Feel free to contact her directly to chat about your SNC experience. 
  • Worship at our monthly Thin Place protestant worship service.
  • Contact Campus Ministry for a listing of faculty and staff of various religious traditions who want to support students living out their beliefs.
  • When in doubt, contact Campus Ministry. Faculty and staff on campus want to support you in your faith journey. 
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